Chapter 11

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Keith stared in awe as the door swung open to reveal a very large bedroom. The room was as tall as the common room and had three separate platform floors. One was dipped down into the ground where there was a large U shaped couch with wide cushion seats facing a large flatscreen TV. The next platform was ground level and took up most of the space in the room. There was a large desk in the corner by a large window that looked out on some trees where Keith could do his school work, a table and even a private kitchen for Keith to cook his own food against the wall if he didn't feel like eating out, and there was even some gym equipment in the other corner of the room so Keith could work out. Lastly, there was a tall platform, about three feet off the ground, with a large king sized bed. The platform had a white fence around it with a long dresser sitting across from the bed where Keith could put all his clothes. Despite all of these rather large furniture sitting around the room, there was plenty of space for Keith to walk around comfortable even with his large frame because the room was just that big.

Keith gawked at the room, utterly speechless, while Ms. Patricia watched him for a long moment before she finally spoke. "Your parents had this built just for you because our normal rooms are far too small. The school was against it at first but your parents said that they would donate this room to the school after you graduate. This will become our new common room," Ms. Patricia said as she slipped into the room, Keith trailing after her. He had to admit, it was rather refreshing not having to duck under the doorway just to get in the room. "Our students don't really use our current common room very much because it's rather plain and they'd rather hang out in their rooms. I've even seen them keeping their doors open and walking in and out of their rooms. If I'm being honest, I think the windows out front make them uncomfortable despite the wall that surrounding the building. They feel like they're out in the open and vulnerable or that's what it seems like to me anyway. Perhaps this room will make them more comfortable as a safe space for them," Ms. Patricia said as she showed Keith around, the young man looking all around in awe.

"This is... amazing," Keith said but he still felt rather nervous. He wasn't oblivious to the whispering happening just outside his door, the male Omega's having followed them down the hall to see what all the fuss was about. That or to get all the juicy details so they could gossip with other people about it. "College life is going to be interesting," Keith thought to himself with an internal sob, hoping his fellow classmates will maybe want to be his friend and hang out with him when they got to know him.

"Movers went ahead and gave us all your stuff. We put all the little stuff in our storage room so you can organize your things the way you like. I have our student representative bringing them now so I'll leave you to unpack and maybe get to know your neighbors. If they feel like coming out of hiding," Ms. Patricia said as she peeked out through the doors, dozens of students jumping out of their skin seeing their dorm supervisor. There were even a few girls who had come over to visit just to see the giant for themselves, smiling shyly or shuffling on their feet as Ms. Patricia scolded them for not checking in with the main desk before coming into the boys side of the dorm. "Let me know if you have any questions. Also, I'd seriously reconsider moving. This room is pretty cool," Ms. Patricia said with a warm smile before she started heading back down the long hallway herding the students away from Keith's room. "Come along! Nothing to see here."

Keith opened his box with the football, making his way up the ramp to the third platform. On the wall to the right of his bed was three rows of shelves where he could set his football down and whatever small knickknacks he had. Looking around the room from his platform, Keith couldn't help feeling a swell of excitement. "Maybe this won't be so bad," Keith thought, flopping on his new bed with a giggle. It was then that his phone started to buzz, Nicholas' picture staring back at him asking for a facetime video.

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