Chapter 7

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It was already late afternoon and a large crowd had gathered outside of the bathroom Keith was still holed up in, Nicholas pacing nervously in front of everyone. He had called their parents to let them know the situation and they had offered to try and help but, unfortunately, almost all of their close families were Alpha's and the rest were Beta's. Keith had an Omega aunt but she was out of the country so none of them could help even if they came so Nicholas encouraged them to eat without them for now. As for getting Keith out of the bathroom, the Alpha and Omega medical teams were still struggling to figure that out since he couldn't fit in either of their vehicles.

"Maybe we can get one of those mini van's where you can take out or put the seats down and have him lay down in the back. He might be able to fit if he curls up his body," one of the Omega aids suggested while the other urged Keith to follow some breathing exercises so he didn't hyperventilate.

"Where would get that on such short notice? There's no dealerships anywhere near here," the Alpha medical head said through the Omega medical heads phone who was checking Keith's pulse at the moment and his fever.

"We have some large rollie carts at the workshop. Could we get him on one of those and quickly run him to the Omega dorms?" an Alpha medical aid asked only to get chewed out by the medical head who called him a "Damned moron!"

"He's letting out a huge amount of pheromones right now. Anyone who gets even a whiff of his scent will immediately go into rut and try to attack him, especially you Alpha's out there," the Omega medical head said seriously, pressing a damp cloth against Keith's forehead who was mostly out of it, staring off into space panting heavily but he was a little responsive which was a good sign. "I'm afraid to say this, but I think we're going to have to call 911. They might be able to fit him in an ambulance if we tell them ahead of time what they're dealing with," the woman said seriously, ordering her assistant to run out to the cart to get a blanket. Though Keith wasn't exactly responsive, a certain part of him was very... perky.

"Damnit! I don't wanna call those jerks. They always act all high and mighty whenever we have to call them, saying how we're not real first-responders," the Alpha medical head grumbled, grumbling under his breath while the Omega medical head rolled her eyes although she couldn't help but agree somewhat.

"We don't have any other choice. If he stays in here any longer, he could get pheromone poisoning and his life will be at stake," the Omega medical head said and hung up on her Alpha counterpart, calling 911 informing them of the situation. It had already become dark by the time an ambulance had arrived and by then, half the campus seemed to be gathered outside the bathroom to see what was going on despite faculty urging them to go back to their rooms. "He's still responsive but growing weaker. We need to get him out of here ASAP!" the Omega medical head said as she came out of the bathroom to meet the first responders when she came up short seeing an animal control car and first responders rolling out a stretcher that could hold a baby elephant. "What is...?" the Omega medical head started to say, too dumbfounded by the sight before her to put her thoughts and feelings into words, when the Alpha medical head let out a snort.

"He is pretty big," he said with a shrug, the Omega medical head looking up at him in distaste.

"He's not an animal!" the Omega medical head said, saying how this was highly inappropriate, but the people getting out of the truck were certainly first responders from human hospitals, rolling the very large stretcher out of the truck.

"This was all we could find on such short notice. Our chief made a call when he heard what was going on and, since we have no ambulances that could handle someone so large at the moment, this was the best we could do," one of the first responders explained quickly as the others quickly entered the bathroom after putting on thick masks. They were all Beta's so they were less affected than an Alpha would but the smell that filled the bathroom was like a punch in the face, the first responders staggering back taking a moment to collect themselves before completely disappearing into the bathroom out of sight of the restless crowd outside.

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