Chapter 2

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The limousine pulled away from the restaurant where they got a bag full of tacos and burritos on their way to the graduation party. In the limo was a handful of girls, people from the football and baseball teams, and the popular people who kept trying to toast with champagne just because they could. Keith and Nick were joking around for most of the ride, Nick trying to distract Keith who was very nervous; biting at his nails, fidgeting with the cufflinks on his suit, and was even eyeing the door like he might bolt at any minute which was really making Nick nervous with all the traffic around them which would make any attempts to leave at the moment quite fatal so he was trying his best to calm the jittery giant.

"Relax~ We could just go in for a little bit, take a picture, and bolt if you really wanted to. No pressure, it's honestly no big deal, and you don't have to if you don't want to. Whatever you wanna do, I'm there for you," Nick said with an encouraging smile, giving Keith a thumbs up, but either Keith didn't hear him or was too reoccupied staring at the school like it was haunted as the limousine pulled up in front of the school gym. There were quite a few people mulling around the entrance, either waiting in line or taking pictures with their friends. There was even a young woman in a light pink sparkly dress who was hacking into some flower bushes, her friend holding up her hair and rubbing her back comfortingly. "That's got to be some kind of record," Nick muttered before slipping out of the limousine.

"Hope she's okay," Keith mumbled, moving to get out too when a hand was nearly thrusted into his face and he glared up at Nick. The blonde was bowing to him with a smile on his face that would have seemed gentlemanly on anyone else if they didn't know him.

"My lady," Nick said in a very princely manner, offering his hand to the brunette who rolled his eyes before slipping out past him. "Rude," Nick chastised, letting out a huff before they both moved and started making their way toward the line.

There were actually two lines to get into the dance as there always were. There was the first line with a table booth by the double doors accepting people's tickets and giving them a colorful stamp on their hand in case they leave the party for whatever reason so they can get back later and then, once through the doors, they moved to the second line which really made Keith nervous as he spied it even at the back of the first line. There were three tables for three different groups. The world has many different genders, some more obvious than others like man and woman. Some people were straight, others sought the same sex, a few even converted to the opposite sex. Another prominent gender was the second gender; Alpha, Beta, and Omega. The first table was for Alpha's who were given a black crown that wrapped around the temple. Alpha's were, as one thought, very powerful. The most common stereotype for an Alpha was someone tall, strong, cool headed and/or hot tempered, and they always seemed to have an air about them that commanded attention. Some Alpha's could be a little too aggressive, some being quite arrogant thinking themselves above all others. Thankfully not everyone was like that and Nick was a great example of them who could be goofy, and a little irritating, but was honestly very kind and nice. Next to the Alpha's table was the Beta table who were more common. Almost everyone was a Beta since Alpha's were rare and Omega's were even rarer in the world so the line for the Beta table was very long waiting for their party ornament. The Beta's got a silver grey mask that fit over their eyes. Most Beta's were pretty average in looks, strength, and almost in every aspect. Of course, that didn't mean they were weak. In fact, Alpha's weren't that much stronger than Beta's in most cases although there were exceptions. Lastly, there was the Omega table.

On average, high schools have over five hundred students per school and the ratio for second genders was very clear. Beta's were the largest population, Alpha's were less than half the Beta population but still pretty common, and last was Omega's who were pretty rare. According to the news, there were less than two thousand in the entire world and there were a lot of people who didn't like them for one reason or another. Omega's were stereotypically very small, frail, weak, and often had problems that could make everyday life hard and even affect those around them all because of a regular heat cycle. Beta's didn't really have one, or it was fairly weak, but they could be affected by the heat from the other two genders. Alpha's have a heat that comes every three months and lasts for about a week give or take. Omega's, on the other hand, have a heat that comes monthly giving off this irresistible scent that attracts both Beta's and especially Alpha's. This is why most Omega's were shunned, ostracized from society, or thought dangerous because their heat could cause an innocent Alpha to get arrested for falling for the Omega's pheromones but thanks to modern medicine, Omega's have a heat suppressant. There used to be bad side effects but now it is safe for all making daily life easier though there are now certain Omega's who go into heat for criminal reasons. Trick an Alpha to be intimate with them insisting it wasn't consensual or to get a baby out of it with a high class Alpha. As always in any society, there was drama, and today was no exception.

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