Chapter 3

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"Are you sure you have everything? You sure you don't want us driving you there?" Keith's mother asked, looking up at her son worriedly who rolled his eyes as she fussed around him. It was funny to see her act so nervous when she was so famous, acting in movies and talking to reporters usually in front of a live audience, yet here she was fretting about getting teary eyed as Keith prepared to depart.

It was finally the day Keith would be going off to college. He had lots of boxes strewn around the entryway, most out in the moving truck outside along with Nicholas' things as well. They were going to drive to the campus together in a U-Haul truck, much to their family's horror who wanted to go with them and take lots of pictures, help them unpack, and have one last meal before sending them off into the world. That was exactly why Keith and Nicholas had rented out the U-Haul truck to avoid that, mainly the pictures.

"I've got everything and more. We'll join you guys for lunch after we drop everything off in our rooms and take a tour of the campus," Keith said with a chuckle as his mother hugged him around the waist begging him to go back to being a five year old.

"You better keep your promise," Joana Howl growled low in her throat, glaring up at her son which was a rather bizarre thing to see for anyone else but her son and anyone who knows her.

Joana Howl was known throughout the entire world as a very talented model who created her own fashion company at a young age. She also dabbled in acting after getting married to her husband, Donovan Howl, who became a world wide award winning actor before taking over his families company. Keith's parents were already pretty famous when they met and they became the perfect dynamic duo taking the world by storm creating the most influential company in the country. So much so that Keith exited the mansion and made his way down to the moving truck parked in front of the fountain that sat in the middle of the roundabout gravel road that led down a long, long, road towards the estate gates. Nicholas' family was also pretty influential who lived in the mansion across the street, the Christ family good friends with the Howl family which is how Keith and Nicholas had become great friends.

"You ready?" Nicholas asked as he got into the drivers seat, Keith getting into the shotgun seat which thankfully had enough leg room for him.

"I guess," Keith said as he struggled to sit in a way where his head wouldn't hit the roof of the truck and so his knees didn't bump into the glovebox. Keith took a deep breath, glancing towards his home where he could see his mother and aunt smiling at him, before looking to Nicholas with a big grin. "Let's go," he said and just like that, they were off.


"I'm going to like college," Nicholas mused as they watched a bunch of girls climb out of a car, Keith rolling his eyes as Nicholas called dibs on every single one of them.

"Let's just get our stuff unloaded and then you can chase after girls who are undoubtedly going to turn you down to your hearts content," Keith said teasingly, ignoring Nicholas' withering glare as he got out of the truck.

There was quite a lot of people who paused to look up at Keith, openly gawking at the seven foot giant, but there were many more people who were too busy unloading their own stuff to even notice Keith so he and Nicholas grabbed their boxes and walked through the gate closest to the dorms. There were so many other college students walking in and out through the gates, all of them chatting amongst themselves or making new friends with their roommates. The thing about the college dorms was they were divided into three groups thanks to the second genders. Of course, they were divided by girls and guys but they were also divided by Omega, Alpha, and then the Beta dorms but there were a few people from the other genders who roomed there too which is why the Beta dorms were the largest on any campus. That's also where Nicholas would be living which led to Keith walking back to the truck to get more of Nicholas' stuff while the blonde unpacked figuring out where to put all his stuff.

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