Chapter 1

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"We have graduated! I can't believe it," Nick said, cheering and dancing around making Keith laugh as he stared down at his friend.

"I'm kind of nervous for the graduation party," Keith admitted as they followed the graduates to the chairs for the graduation ceremony, Keith pointing out their families for Nick who was trying to peer over the rowdy crowd around them. The football field they had taken up for their graduation ceremony was so large and wide with hundreds of people all around so it was hard to find anyone without a height advantage.

"It will be fine. You can do it if you want to or chicken out and do it at a later time. Whenever you are ready, I will be there to back you up," Nick said carefully, not revealing anything for the people around them to overhear who eyed them suspicious. Who couldn't help but stare up at the giant? Despite knowing him for so long, Keith was still an impressive force to be had and they were all giving him as much space as they could but the crowd was... well, crowded! "You think Emily was serious about crashing our graduation party? Because I was serious about clocking whoever tries to dance with her or even looks at her funny," Nick asked, eyeing the young men around them suspiciously before they found their seats and sat down waiting for the ceremony to start.

"Oh, that'll go well. Though that might be a good distraction for my big reveal," Keith said with a chuckle as they continued to talk until the teachers called for everyone to quiet down for the principal who stepped up onto a podium on a stage in front of the bleaches where all the parents and family were sitting.

"Welcome!" a voice rang out through the amps around them, everyone quieting and focusing their attention to the woman in the pantsuit standing at the podium. "Thank you for coming to the class of two thousand twenty two!" she called out with a bright smile and there was a lot of cheering with hoots and hollers. With that, the ceremony started...


"Natalie Anderson!" the old woman, one of the many teachers who was announcing names from her class, called out squinting at her list through thin rectangular glasses. Everyone watched a young woman with brown hair cascading down her back make her way down the aisle passed Keith and Nick who watched her go, Nick looking excited as there were only two other people ahead of him.

"You look like you have to use the bathroom," Keith said with a chuckle as he watched Nick bounce in his seat like a child who playful glared at him but couldn't keep his excitement at bay.

"I'm just so excited! We're finally setting off into the world and working toward our dreams," Nick said, Keith chuckling to himself as Nick stared off dreamily. "You ready for college life? It's really cool we'll be going to the same college and yes, I plan to drag you into at least one bar. You have to, at least, go to one while in college. I insist," Nick said as he looked up at Keith who groaned but knew Nick all too well to know when there's a will, there's a way in Nick's mind.

"As long as you promise not to ditch me for some random girl or force me to have my first drink. I'll have one when I'm ready," Keith said, Nick agreeing instantly while Keith was being agreeable.

"Eric Beltz!" the teacher called out and the young man made his way past the two of them toward the middle aisle to walk up to the stage.

"I always hated him," Nick grumbled, Keith gawking down at him in slight horror.

"Nicholas!" Keith hissed, smacking his arm lightly glaring down at him in a scolding manner.

"What!? I've known him since we were three and we've hated one another ever since he stole my choo-choo train and denied it to my face!" Nick hissed back, crossing his arms over his chest and glared at Eric while he received his diploma and shook the principals hand.

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