Chapter 8

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Keith hardly remembered anything from last night but what he could remember was rather embarrassing. He slightly remembered waking up after he had collapsed while the first responders were strapping a rebreather mask over his face and checking his vitals. They quickly rolled the stretcher back to the animal control truck but not quick enough, Keith's pheromones spreading towards the crowd. Many Beta's brought their hands up to their mouth or stepped back away from the smell, actively trying to resist the Omega pheromones, but any Alpha's in the crowd suddenly surged forward with their eyes set on Keith. Except they didn't get very far as the Alpha medical team were there to stop them in their tracks who all wore thick masks or taken strong inhibitors. They easily held the Alpha's back and even the Alpha medical head threw a particularly strong alpha down onto the ground, holding him there while the first responders quickly loaded Keith onto the truck.

"Keith!" Nicholas called, looking extremely worried. He had also taken an inhibitor but he was still pushed back by the staff along with everyone else leaving Nicholas to watch helplessly from the sidelines as Keith gave him a pained smile, holding up his fingers in a peace sign just before the doors closed and the substitute ambulance drove away in a hurry.

Keith vaguely remembered the ambulance ride with the first responders trying to ask him questions and checking his vitals. He had absolutely no recollection of getting to the hospital or the first responders rolling him out of the animal control truck. He couldn't even several members of the hospital staff standing by in the hallways making way for Keith in the overlarge stretcher. He was told later how his parents had made a call directly with the chief surgeon so they had made preparations beforehand with the Omega hospital ward who already had a large room with a king sized bed ready for Keith which was normally reserved for Alpha and Omega couples. Not all homes were properly ventilated, especially apartments, and not everyone could afford hotels specifically for couples, so they make an appointment with the hospital to reserve a room for at least a week until their heat dies down. Thanks to Keith's parents, he was put in said room where he could... relieve himself in peace. Keith could only remember bits and pieces of his time while in heat, which were mainly about him pulling off his clothes since he felt too hot and Keith begging for someone to mate with him, so three days passed by in a blur for Keith before he finally came out of his euphoria and was more responsive to the nurses who came to check on him every now and then.

Keith had essentially been bed ridden after his heat, too weak to even get out of bed with or without help which was common for Omegas but was a little strange for Keith who had never had a heat so strong before. His heat was always really weak to the point that even Alpha's, who were hypersensitive to Omega pheromones, barely noticed it even when Keith was standing right next to them. He was only able to get out of bed two days after his heat with the help of several Omega nurses and doctors swarming around him, all of them pushing and pulling from all sides in order to keep Keith upright so he could make his way to the bathroom where they had drawn a bath for him in the large bathtub meant for couple. It was just big enough for Keith to sit in with his knees pulled up to his chest, Keith blushing with embarrassment as two nurses gave him a sponge bath since he was too weak and sluggish to do it himself. He was able to call Nicholas and his parents to let them know he was alright, and also to pass the time as he was almost always alone in his room recuperating except when the nurses periodically checked on him.

Before Keith knew it, the nurses were putting him in a wheelchair and escorting him to a normal hospital room where his family and friends could come visit. He felt especially embarrassed because he couldn't fit in any of the hospital clothes they had on hand so Keith was only wearing a hospital gown that was open at the back so, though he had guests, Keith remained in bed not wanting to flash anyone with his behind.

"Dude, you scared the crap out of me!" Nicholas said when he came to visit, gently punching Keith in the arm and pretended to scold Keith like a parent would causing Keith to laugh.

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