Chapter 4

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"I can't believe I'm doing this," Keith thought as he took in many deep breaths, Nicholas urging him to relax. With every step toward the Omega dorm gate, Keith felt heavier and like he was growing even bigger, as if to prove he wasn't really an Omega no matter what his ID said. "They're not going to believe me," Keith thought, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. "They're going to think I'm trying to attack the Omegas and I'm gonna get arrested," Keith practically sobbed internally, his imagination running away with him, when Nicholas elbowed him in the side getting the giant's attention.

"It'll be okay," Nicholas said firmly. "I'm right here with you and I'm not going anywhere until your through those gates with your boxes," Nicholas said as he urged Keith to ignore everyone who.

At first only a few had been watching them but that was just the normal amount of stares Keith got on a daily, especially somewhere new where no one had seen someone as big as Keith in real life. Then there had been the stares he'd gotten while he and Nicholas were standing at the end of the walkway leading to the Omega dorms just staring at the gate, many speculating why and wondering if they were perverts or had a mate in there. Then quite a few stopped to stare at Keith and Nicholas as they started walking down the walkway. Maybe they were just dropping someone's stuff off for them who lived in the Omega dorms. There were some luggage carts in the grass with staff tagging the luggage, writing down what room they belong in, and everyone could see a few people who were obviously Betas and one or two Alphas putting bags on the carts. No one, however, saw anyone but Omegas close to the gate other than the staff so everyone seemed to freeze as they saw Keith and Nicholas walk past the carts toward the line of Omegas who turned around and cowered under the large shadow of Keith, practically trembling under his gaze.

"Is there a problem here?" a woman asked as she walked between the lines of Omegas to greet Keith and Nicholas before they got within five feet of the Omegas. The woman was tall and lean with a fair amount of muscle, her blonde hair up in a ponytail. She wore rather causal nice clothes and could have blended in with the other college students if it weren't for the lanyard hanging around her neck that labeled her the dorm supervisor. She was in charge of making sure the Omegas were safe, that facility was clean with plenty of supplies in case of emergency, and she helped freshmen in general who were homesick. She was also, at the moment, the supervisor for the security checks and she had spotted Keith and Nicholas coming the moment they stepped foot on the road leading right to the Omega gates, glaring at the boys with suspicion and clearly on her guard even as she tried to act nice and civil. "I'm Patricia Lester, dorm supervisor. I'm afraid anyone who is not an Omega can't go through those gates so if your dropping off boxes for someone, you can leave them with those our trusty staff behind you. Just make sure to give them the name of the student so they know which room to put them in," Patricia said sweetly, eyeing Keith suspiciously who wouldn't meet her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, Patricia. I'm Nicholas and this is my friend, Keith," Nicholas said, giving Keith an encouraging smile urging the terrified giant to speak.

"Um... hello," Keith mumbled out, shuffling on his feet a little looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Everyone was staring at him. He was especially aware of the Omegas who looked almost as terrified as he was.

"Right, well..." Patricia started, her patience wanning, when Nicholas butted in in his usual nosy way that Keith was grateful for at the moment.

"Patricia, right? Can I call you Patty?" Nicholas asked chipperly. The only response he got was Patricia glaring at him and crossing her arms over her chest, clearly unimpressed with their height even though she was a full head shorter than Nicholas. "Okay. So the thing is, my friend here is actually an Omega. I know what your thinking! 'He can't possibly be an Omega. Look how big he is! He's got to be an Alpha' but my friend is definitely an Omega," Nicholas said as he set down Keith's box on the ground and slipped his hand into Keith's back pocket where his wallet was causing the brunette to yelp in surprise. That also caused a lot of people to jump, clearly alarmed by any sudden movements of the giant. Keith noted one of the security people had his hand on resting on a walkie-talkie looking ready to call backup at any second, his heart pounding even louder in his chest the longer they were there. Meanwhile, Nicholas slid Keith's ID out of the wallet and showed Patricia who stared at it with an unimpressed look on her face. "See, Omega. You might also note that his full name is Keith Olivia Howl and I bet you anything that name is on your list of students that belong in that dorm behind you," Nicholas said loudly so everyone could hear, holding up the ID for all to see, as if they could read it from where they were standing, before putting the ID back in Keith's wallet slipping it back in the pocket he got it from causing Keith to scowl at him.

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