Thirty-Four, Part One

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Leaning against the railing of a small yacht that Choice rented for the day Magenta stares at the water

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Leaning against the railing of a small yacht that Choice rented for the day Magenta stares at the water. She got to Miami last night and this afternoon they decided to go on a boat ride. They're still waiting on everyone to arrive for the activity that has a scheduled time of departure in ten minutes. Everyone else is on the deck waiting for them to undock, while she takes a moment for herself.

The wind causes the shirt on the short set she wears to blow with the warm breeze. The sky is light blue with wispy clouds and she adjusts the designer shades on her face to look into the sky. She feels settled and at peace. Almost like a kind of meditation state. She knows it won't last much longer...

Along with her family there are three workers onboard. The older man behind the silver steering wheel is chatting it up with Choice who insists he should let him get behind the wheel to try it out.

Gen's ear perk up when she hears, "Look at him up in this bitch!" She knows that loud, raspy voice anywhere. It belongs to her Aunt Keitha who's seeing Cortlen for the first time since he got out. "That boy home! All buff and shit! You was in there working out, huh? You fuck on some C.O.'s?" She boosts him up making Cortlen smile wide as they hug.

It was a last minute trip, but who was going to pass this up? That means even if their boss didn't approve them getting off they called into work.

Seeing Felicity get on to the glossy white boat, Gen turns back around looking at the water. She hasn't seen or spoken to her sister since that night at the club. All she can remember is Felicity yapping like a little chihuahua trying to get a rise out of her. She didn't even see the fight between her and Chandrika. That would've been a sight.

Once Felicity's foot hits the deck she brings an imaginary elephant into the room. Choice and Cortlen give her greetings, but they clearly lack the usual love that would be shown to their sister. They have many questions that'll be answered later.

When one of the members of the crew comes to Magenta with a tray of drinks she gladly takes a glass of champagne. Gyalis by Capella Grey plays in the background and she hums to herself. It's interrupted when her mother, Tempest, approaches her.

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