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2015: May, Spring Semester

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2015: May, Spring Semester

With a sigh to show his relief, Genesis walks out of his last lecture of the semester and his freshman year. Next week is finals, but tomorrow is Reading Day so none of his classes meet. He can't wait to take his tests and get it over with. He's been studying for the last couple of weeks and he thinks he has them all under control. As long as none of his professors put stuff that's not on the review on the tests...

Despite having football practices, workouts, and study hall, Gee was still able to focus a lot on his academics this redshirting year. He had a 3.8 GPA his first semester and hopes to end strong for the year.

Magenta was a big help in dealing with his best friend's death while staying on top of his assignments. Anytime he lost focus due to feeling down, she kept him on track in order to keep passing his classes. That day on those bleachers brought them closer.

That happened because the last month and a half he wasn't making the same mistakes he was earlier in their friendship. She also fixed what she was lacking. Gee didn't want to be that friend who gets comfortable with disrespecting her just because she may let it slide. Especially when he's going to school in another state where he could use any friendship and support someone has to offer. He checked himself in the friendship, apologized, and they've been fine ever since.

As humans sometimes we treat people bad and don't even realize. Now that he's in college he does a lot of self-reflecting and putting himself in other people's shoes. Quez dying also put things in perspective because he had regrets. We think we have all the time in the world to get it right with people. We don't. Honestly, redshirting was the best thing that happened to him. He feels like he really did mature.

He feels like he used this year wisely and he's going into next school year ready to tackle anything on and off the field. He still makes mistakes, but college is going to be what allows him to grow. It's about not being stuck in his ways.

Once he gets back to his dorm room he greets Colby. "What's good, Jux?" he says while removing his backpack.

"Nothing much. I was thinking though... We've been going to the library as a group damn near every night have study groups. I think tonight we should go out. I was talking to Destin and he said he'd pay for us to go bowling & go-karting. Reserve us a lane and get the food package."

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