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2014: October, Fall Semester

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2014: October, Fall Semester

After grabbing herself something to eat from a food truck parked right in the middle of campus, Magenta and Genesis continue their walk across the school grounds. With no hesitation Gen bites into the grilled cheese she bought making Gee laugh. "Is it good?" He asks since she's acting like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

"It's good when you didn't eat breakfast," she says once done chewing the first bite.

They both had classes all morning including the one they have together. She's glad it's finally Friday after a long week. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday they have an English class together at 11:30. And every time since the semester started they sit next to each other then they leave together. That either leads them to going to get something to eat or riding the bus back to their dorm hall. Either way they spend a great deal of time with each other if they're not with other people or Gee has to go to football practice.

It's a month and a half into the semester and they've both fallen into the routine of college. It's pretty much the same thing everyday. Class, do homework, study, hang out when you have the extra time.

With her natural type 4 hair up in a puff, Magenta wears a Texas A&M crewneck sweatshirt, maroon leggings that match the lettering on the sweater, knit socks, and Ugg Slippers. Her choice of attire for class is a big indicator of her comfortability now. She's so glad it's Fall because she couldn't wait to pull out sweaters, hoodies, and boots.

"You ready for Homecoming? Our first one," she says with a smile as her and Gee walk on the sidewalk. A guy on a skateboard whizzes by making one of her stray curls blow. She scoots closer to Genesis not trying to get run over deciding to hook arms with him.

Gee smacks his lips. "Hell nah. I don't get to play," he sulks ripping a leaf off a bush they pass by throwing it as far as it can go. He wears a really nice Nike hoodie that she's plotting to try and get her hands on. Being the smallest in her family she was able to steal and wear everyone's clothes. It's no different with her friends. Tu closet es mi closet, is her motto.

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