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2021: Present Day

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2021: Present Day

In the Houston residence, Magenta shudders under her velvet covers. The temperatures are dropping from the weather changing, and she forgot to at least turn her AC up or turn the heat on. The master bedroom of her three floor townhome is completely dark. Gen tries to move to roll over, but her body feels stuck and it's not simply stiffness from being cold.

Her entire body tenses up as she lays in the king size bed listening closely. At first she thinks the noise she hears is her fan that she can't sleep without. But upon listening closer it feels like she can hear rigid breathing coming from behind her as she lays on her side. The breathing is right in her ear and she can smell alcohol on it. It even feels like there's an added weight to the bed space behind her. Which it shouldn't because she's a single woman who lives alone.

Magenta realizes she's conscious but unable to move. It's not until she moves a small muscle in her toes that she snaps out of it. It's all in her imagination. She wouldn't even say it's a dream. More like a fuzzy memory she keeps reliving.

She lays still for a second too scared to move then raises up turning her nightstand lamp on. Looking around the room it's empty except her, so she's right about it not being real. She's been having the same very vivid conceptualization for months now. She can smell all the scents and physically feel all the emotions. The only problem is it always ends before she can turn over and see who it is laying behind her. Before it was scary, but now it's pissing her off because it's cutting into her beauty rest.

And like clockwork, she wakes up at the same time every single time. 2:22a.m...

Instead of going back to sleep, she climbs out of her bed going downstairs to her craft room. She has undoubtedly become a night owl now. She figures she'll get some work done until she can go back to sleep.

A couple hours later, Magenta wakes up at her desk not even knowing when she fell asleep. She's lucky she has a body clock because she has two hours until she needs to get to work. Gen climbs the stairs tiredly going down the hall, so she can begin getting ready for the day.

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