Thirty-Four, Part Two

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Eyes opening slowly, Breon looks around a hospital room in confusion as his entire body's sore

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Eyes opening slowly, Breon looks around a hospital room in confusion as his entire body's sore. Fade sits up with a groan seeing his friend sitting in the chair close to his bed. He was one of the three in the car last night, but he was able to walk away with only stitches from hitting his head after the car spun out.

"You awake?" His friend, Ace, asks the obvious as Fade flings the covers back putting his legs off the side of the bed. Without answering he jumps out of the bed removing anything hooked up to him.

"Let's go," Fade says not caring what state he's even in physically.

He was only shot one time in his armpit area that took out a chunk of flesh, but the rest were grazes. One on his head and another on his arm. He got lucky. If the bullet would've been a couple centimeters over he would've been shot in the head. The one by his armpit could've went through his chest too.

"You bring me clothes?"

"Your baby mama brought them. She's on her way back, so we can leave," his friend responds extending the outfit. He grabs them ready to change out of the hospital gown when there's a knock at the room door.

It opens and two cops enter. One of them looks at Fade asking, "You going somewhere?" Fade smacks his lips because he's quite familiar with one of the officers after a few run-ins with him.

"Y'all might as well walk right back out of that door unless you're here to arrest me and I didn't do anything wrong. I was the victim."

"Oh, we know. But even when you're the victim you're still probably the cause of it," the cop smirks. "You know we came here to question you. It's simple to cooperate and maybe get who did this off the street. Who shot you?" One of them asks with a notepad as if Fade's actually going to answer that.

"I'm not tryna talk to y'all and you know it," Fade pulls his shirt over his head with a laugh.

"You're new to town, but just know we're aware. Big Bleak ring a bell?" The officer asks with his head tilted.

"Nope. Don't know what you're talking about," Fade answers wiggling his foot into white Air Force 1's.

"You work for him..."

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