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2017: January, Spring Semester

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2017: January, Spring Semester

Sitting in a county jail, Genesis wants to know why he's still in here after over a month passing by. All he knows is he secured a lawyer because he'll be damned if he has a public defender. He doesn't care if it uses all the money he saved up.

Gee was caught with over ten pounds of weed and almost $10,000 in cash in a rental car that day. Because of that he caught a trafficking charge, which is a second degree felony. It means he's potentially facing a minimum of two years and a maximum of 20. From what his lawyer told him the judge wants to give him 10 years based on how much he had. His judge seems like a hard ass already. That case for one pound is nothing compared to this.

The day he was arrested he knew he should've been gone and already left Texas, but he was trying to be greedy and get them extras. It bit him in his ass big time.

Rumor has it someone who works for Fade got arrested and started running their mouth and making statements. That's why Gee got pulled over in the first place. The Narcs had been on him and he happened to have drugs with him that day.

He's glad he hasn't heard anything about a murder and attempted murder charge for Kasino and Fade. The truth is, the Dallas police were a little happy about Kasino's death. He had been a terror to the city for a couple years now. They'd rather someone else kill him because they had been investigating him for years, but couldn't get enough evidence to make an arrest. He always alluded them somehow.

When Gee was brought in they did ask him some questions about the murder though. He simply kept his mouth shut knowing they had no proof he was involved. Fade also wasn't cooperating with police claiming to have not seen who shot him or Kasino because the perpetrator wore a mask. That was a lie because he looked right in Gee's eyes begging.

Fade survived the several shots he took. Some may view Gee not finishing the job and killing Fade as soft. Having heart isn't in your willingness to commit crimes or take a life. Having heart is in your willingness to be yourself and know your limits. In the streets, being yourself is a crime.

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