Out With The Old In With The New

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"Not the blanket on the grass girl bye, I'm glad you finally did told him how you felt".

Namzuri spoke with enthusiasm as she clinked her cocktail glass with Kaliyah's, they were both discussing exactly how the break up went between Kaliyah and Roel & Kaliyah had told Namzuri how many missed calls she had received, flowers at her doorstep, cards & all sorts of gifts from Roel. He wasn't giving up.

"I'm glad you broke up him anyway it needed to happen.." Namzuri scoffed as she took a sip of the pornstar martini cocktail in her hand.

They were both sat in the busy Jamaican restaurant 'Turtle Bay' to be exact, it was happy hour which meant that they could get half priced discounts on cocktails & alcoholic beverages with their bottomless brunch deal.

Namzuri thought why not bring Kaliyah out for a little celebratory lunch today since they had both cut ties with Roel & Amet, leaving them behind on their journey towards success.

"I'm glad I did too, I just know I can do better and I know he's trying but, it's too late now" Kaliyah admitted as her lips left the glass of vodka, rum mix. "I told you that you could do better" Namzuri reminded her.

"Yeah, you were right" Kaliyah replied with a smile on her face.

These two girls had such an unbreakable bond & honestly Kaliyah loved her best friend so much. Despite knowing each other for so long they had never ever felt bored of each other or ever dared to question one's loyalty to one another. They were like sisters from different mothers & nothing and nobody could break up their friendship.

"And you finally cut off Amet?" Kaliyah sounded unsure as she grinned with a raised eyebrow sort of teasing Namzuri. The holy dick that Namzuri had preached about to Kaliyah made it hard for her to believe that she had just cut him off like that.

"What man! I did!" Namzuri squealed in defence as she tried not to laugh and it was long before her laugh simmered and she now thought about it. "He hasn't even tried to reach out to me after our conversation" Namzuri said.

"Ooo girl you sound a bit sad about that" Kaliyah gave her the side eye before picking up her cocktail glass and taking another sip once again.

"I'm not even sad though" Namzuri said in defence & it was strange because she truly wasn't sad. She couldn't say she didn't feel any emotion towards not being able to sleep with him anymore but sadness wasn't the emotion she felt.

She just felt like maybe he had just let her walk away a bit too easily, she was used to men begging her and chasing her but it seemed as though Amet didn't give a fuck. Then again she knew she wasn't his girlfriend or anything like that so maybe he just used her for sex and then threw her away when he was done with her. It's almost as if she had forgotten about the whole situation that had happened where he put his hands on her. Namzuri being so naive and young didn't pay attention to these things, these vital things that could keep her from making the same mistake and stumbling into yet again another Amet 2.0. Instead she reminisced on the good sex and kept it as that.

Though she could deny it all she wanted, she sort of wished she was in the position of Kaliyah who was receiving all these gifts to show how much she was actually appreciated. Namzuri wanted attention & validation two things she had been craving from men ever since she started adolescence.

"It's whatever though" Namzuri sighed, trying her best to sound unbothered.

"I'll miss the dick that's all" Namzuri grinned as she watched Kaliyah cackling on the other side of the table & now both their smiles widened even more now seeing the waiter come to their table with their mouth watering plates of food.

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