Don't Hate The Player Hate The Game

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Amet walked into the kitchen dressed in his suit ready for work, seeing Ama standing there by the stove sharing out the breakfast she had made for him this early morning despite her having to go to work soon too. She was determined to spend some time to cooking for her beloved boyfriend.

Ama flinched, gasping slightly as Amet's arms had now creeped around her. He hugged her tightly from behind and leaned into her neck. "God, Amet- you scared me" she laughed as he chuckled lightly. Amet inhaled the sweet perfume she had put on today.

"You smell so fucking good" he groaned as he began to place kisses on her neck only for her to ease him off and turn around to face him. She looked into his eyes knowing exactly what he wanted especially after last nights antics. She still hadn't slept with him, she wanted that moment to be so special for the both of them.

"Thankyou baby" she smiled at his compliment. Clearly Ama's charm had won him over from last night since he had woken up this morning with a spring in his step. He was definitely happier but more hornier & it almost felt like Ama had started something she wasn't willing to finish.

"Right, here's your breakfast baby. I need to go get dressed for work" she quickly turned to the counter and handed him his plate of French toast & scrambled eggs just how he liked it.

She wasted no time scurrying off to avoid having to please him. Ama still had no energy from yesterday. If there was one thing Ama had learned last night was that Amet's sex drive was through the roof. They were up for hours last night and still Ama managed to push through and not give it up so easily.

She simply questioned herself asking herself would she be able to do this for the rest of the the next few months to come.

This was going to be a challenge but Ama was willing to face this challenge. Anything for her baby, Amet.


Namzuri smirked at her phone screen after posting the off guard picture of Marceece on her main Snapchat story for everyone to see, he was too busy scrolling through the endless amount of messages he was receiving about tonight's event to even notice.

Namzuri smirked at her phone screen after posting the off guard picture of Marceece on her main Snapchat story for everyone to see, he was too busy scrolling through the endless amount of messages he was receiving about tonight's event to even notice

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She knew it wouldn't be long until people were swiping up to her asking her how she knew him. Course he was a bait head, a very popular YouTuber and clearly had made quite the social media persona for himself. She expected it.

He was practically on the verge of being famous & Namzuri hid it but she was excited to be in his presence.

He finally put his phone down and now a smile was on his face. "Why you watching me like that huh?" He asked smoothly and now she kissed her teeth. "Bye, I wasn't watching you" she laughed, brushing him off as he motioned for her to come over to him.

She stood up from the other side of the table and made her way to his side, he didn't wait long before reaching both his hands around her waist and grabbing both her ass cheeks burying his face into her lower half as he tried to pull her onto his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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