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Namzuri's freshly done acrylic nails trailed along the erotic revealing clothing hung up in the store, eyes glancing at which one would make her look the sexiest for Marceece's upcoming event. 

This upcoming event was a house party event where a few young adult YouTubers and influencers would be making smash or pass videos, taking pictures and making tiktoks just to post about and gain some more traction on their social media accounts. Namzuri couldn't wait to be there. All her accounts were set up & now she was just waiting to post her first YouTube video where after a certain amount of subscribers she'd be on the road to becoming monetised.

"This one's too nice" Kaliyah cooed beside her as she tugged at a cute beige two piece set. "Yeah, £60 though, is Roel gonna give you that?" Namzuri teased her with a slight chuckle making Kaliyah groan. "Don't do that, I told you already he's trying his best" Kaliyah defended him weakly. 

Kaliyah knew that Roel wasn't the wealthiest of men especially for his age. He was nearly on his way to thirty and barely owned a house or had a steady job & honestly Namzuri pointed it out to Kaliyah several times before, reminding Kaliyah that guys like Roel were not to be taking seriously especially to build a life and legacy with.

"Yeah okay" Namzuri laughed as they continued walking, eyeing up all the clothes & it wasn't long before Marie's eyes glanced up at a cute, simple yet sexy affordable pink dress. It was basic yet it was also in Namzuri price range.

"Now this.....is what I'm talking about" Namzuri grinned, taking it off from the clothes rack & holding it up. "That's proper cute!" Kaliyah cooed in awe.

Namzuri & Kaliyah were excited about this event because they knew that with their growing social media platforms & the opportunity of networking they would have they would be a few steps closer to their dreams.

It was funny how it was just a random day where it had clicked into both their heads where they didn't see themselves living an ordinary lifestyle. Clearly influenced by the various tiktok girls & Instagram reels they had seen they were extremely determined to become one of those kind of girls & potentially Marceece's little event would be able to lay out that opportunity for the both of them.

"But you know what I've been thinking...you still didn't tell me about how you even got close with that Marceece guy like that" Kaliyah said as she watched Namzuri grin.

"Ohh, I didn't even finish that story did I" a smirk was on her face and now Kaliyah was giggling. "Don't tell me you fucked the guy?" Kaliyah cackled.

"And if I did?" Namzuri asked with a raised eyebrow as she poked her tongue at the side of mouth trying to stop the laughter from coming out.  "This girl" Kaliyah sighed loudly shaking her head as she looked up at the ceiling.

Yes, that night of the event Namzuri had gone to she did sleep with Marceece, she remembered it vividly drunkly stumbling to his hotel room and letting him have his way with her all in the name of clout. She hoped that her sleeping with him would allow her to get privileges that others couldn't get & Namzuri didn't care. If she had to sleep her way to the top then so be it. It was clearly working for her anyway hence being invited to to an event so quickly clearly she must have been doing something right.

"Was it at-least good though?" Kaliyah asked. Namzuri held the dress in her hand, still scanning for any other options that she could potentially wear as they both walked and talked.

"It was decent, not as good as you know who" Namzuri groaned referring to Amet who she had been craving for a while now, waiting for him to ring her yet it seemed as if he had forgotten about their agreement or Namzuri thought maybe his little virgin girlfriend was keeping him entertained.

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