Around In Circles

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"You slept with her friend then kicked her out, fam you're cold" Roel chuckled whilst taking a bite from the noodles wrapped around the end of his fork but Amet didn't find not a single thing funny.

"She really said that though?" Amet was pissed off. Why was he being painted as the villain when it was far from that.

After three months of sleeping with that girl Amet was being reminded of the impact he had left on Namzuri, she had gone to Kaliyah complaining how he used her for her body and kicked her out his house and then the message was told to Roel who would constantly bring it up everytime Kaliyah was topic of conversation.

Like today, both Roel & Amet were in Lewisham at a local Italian restaurant having a meal after hours and hours of picking up party supplies and decorations for Roel's birthday link up tonight. Course he was inviting Kaliyah and of course Kaliyah was going to bring her friends along with Namzuri.

Amet placed his fork down, "listen that little girl needs to keep my name out her mouth" he spoke with all seriousness.

His life had been going great after being promoted in his job, he was finally dating an Albanian girl who he was growing to love day by day, things were actually going well for him and he didn't want nothing or nobody to ruin that for him.

"Chill man, you know how these girls get" Roel chuckled, taking another bite of the noodles.

Roel was so chilled about everything a bit too chilled. He was laid back and always high most of the time so he never really saw the severity of situations. Amet knew Roel wouldn't understand.

Amet was trying to grow into someone different, into someone that knew what they wanted. He didn't want to continue being that unfocused, easily swayed, aggressive boy he used to be. Life was meant for change and Amet understood that.

The vibration of his phone finally caught his attention as a few incoming messages came through from Ama, his girlfriend.

A smile peeked from his lips as he read the romantic  messages telling him how much she couldn't wait to see him.

This girl was what Amet had been looking for, she had morals, she was very much introverted and liked to be low-key. She didn't dress like a whore and she had the same beliefs as him. What made it even better for Amet was that she only two years younger than him.

It was funny because he had met her one evening after leaving work, it was a nice afternoon and he saw her walking amongst her other Albanian friends.

First her looks had caught his eyes. He could definitely tell she was Albanian. She had those features and she was honestly beautiful. She almost resembled Amet which was funny enough.

She was very slim, though he liked his women thicker he didn't see this as a problem, he was willing to compromise.

He had to stop and get her number and that's exactly what he did & three months later he made her his girlfriend however he was in no rush to move quickly with her. He actually wanted to see where this would go.

She stood firm in herself setting boundaries with him & surprisingly after three months she still hadn't let him sleep with her. She told him that after six months then she'd finally give it up & Amet admired that about her. Roel on the other hand thought that Amet was losing his mind waiting that long for some pussy.

This was different for Amet, very different but he was willing to stick through it and see where it would go.

"Is that Amet yeah?" Amet looked up from his phone screen at Roel who was cheesing unnecessarily hard seeing his friend falling in love. It was hilarious because Amet wasn't that kind of guy.

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