The Butterfly Effect

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Amet was parked outside the block of flats leaned up on his all black Audi A7 slowly losing his patience as he waited for his boy, Roel to hurry up, Roel was still upstairs at the house party that was clearly popular tonight amongst the young adults in this area.

The loud dancehall music booming from flat 54, the thick smell of weed radiating outside that flat, the empty canisters and random coloured balloons laying about on the pavement side, the half naked eighteen and nineteen year old girls drenched in sweat from dancing all night, faces caked with makeup to impress the little wannabe road men that had stepped out all made it quite evident.

Amet couldn't help but judge even though a few years ago that used to be him and his boys, especially him and Roel attending block parties all over south London in their early twenties, chasing all the pussy in the world. This was before they had priorities to deal with yet it seemed like Roel was still in that little phase of his. Still chasing this one freshly nineteen year old girl he had met nine months ago on a night out.

The same girl Amet ridiculed Roel for dating. Both Amet and Roel were now twenty five and Amet simply couldn't see the logic of dating women that were under the age of twenty three. Yeah they could be fun for sex and other stuff but actually committing himself to a girl at that age just came with unwanted problems and that's simply what Amet thought.

What made it worse was that Roel was dating this mixed race girl, Kaliyah. Amet knew that simply was a no no. You never brought a black girl home to mumzy, that was just rule number 1 that Amet had broken years ago and up to this day regretted it but clearly Roel's mind was elsewhere.

"Where's this guy man" Amet's impatience grew with each second, seeing all these little half naked young girls walking around at this time was irritating him especially the looks they were giving him. Whispering to their friends about the attractive Albanian man leaned up against the expensive car, they didn't even try to whisper, giggling and talking amongst their friends. Boys eyeing him up, intimidated by his expensive garments.

He clenched his jaw, looking away from them. He wasn't a teenager no more and he didn't want to feel like it either.

Amet's years of fucking around with these young girls were over. He wasn't that same south London boy who was on road, trapping and causing chaos making girls fight over him. He simply wasn't that.

"This fucking guy man" he grumbled to himself, he stood there for a brief moment checking the notifications on his phone since now boredom had taken over him.

Leaned up against his car scrolling through his previous messages his eyes landed on a certain name which caused his whole mood to shift. 'Zirah'. This one girl he had been seeing on and off for the past few weeks now.

As mature as Amet tried to seem he clearly wasn't as mature as he thought. He was sleeping with this girl and still hadn't established a relationship with her yet they were arguing about each others where about's and doing things that people in relationships would do.

She had specifically told him to not be at this house party tonight yet he ignored her request now leading up to this argument that they had been having over text messages since he got here.

This girl had switched his entire mood and just like that Amet was ready to go see her to sort this out. He didn't like her like that but he enjoyed fucking her and he didn't want to give that up. He refused to since he wasn't sleeping with anyone else anyway.

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