Mutual MisUnderstanding

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Amet sat in the comfort of his car scrolling through Namzuri's Instagram page.

Amet had no idea why he was even swiping through her Instagram right now, it went from her showing him a funny video on her timeline to him looking at all the notifications she had coming in and next thing you know he had her phone.

Finger clicking, swiping through the endless swarm of comments from boys her age and a few older guys, fixating on her wanting to fuck her.

Amet knew that's all they wanted. He knew men and he knew any man in his right mind wouldn't ever wife up a girl like Namzuri.

Yeah her looks were perfect but her mindset, her values her self respect was disgraceful. Even some of the things she posted on her Instagram page, showing off that body of hers.

That body that so many other men wanted to touch & in all honesty Amet couldn't help but get an ego boost kind of feeling proud of himself for fucking her.

He had even gone through her DM's with all these guys begging to take her out and get to know her when he had fucked her so easily and not even dared to be out in public with her like that.

"Can I have my phone back now?"

He had forgotten she was in this car sitting right beside him.

Seeing the real her. No makeup, that dewy oily face, eye brows thick and trimmed, lips smothered in NYX fat oil, her melt band over the edges of the curly lace front wig she decided to wear today. Baggy T shirt over Jogging bottoms & air forces. Amet compared her to her pictures & the person she had displayed herself as on Instagram just like all the other girls out there.

Sexy, provocative, wild.

He looked up at her and carelessly flung her phone into her lap as he went back to grinding his weed in the bright red coloured grinder that was now in his hands.

They were parked up outside her house sitting in the car on an empty back roads. He had offered to drop her home today especially after that late night sex session they both had yesterday where he let off all his stress.

She had earned that for herself, a nice little car ride home. Next time he was gonna make her take the bus. What did he look like? He wasn't no free Uber man.

It wasn't too long ago that Namzuri had been face down, bent over, sucking on his dick either, just about 30 minutes ago after being parked up out here for so long. Boredom had taken over both of them and one thing led to another creating their spontaneous little outburst once again.

Clearly both Amet & Namzuri couldn't control themselves.

"Alright, I'm going now yeah?" She finally sighed before locking her phone and scooping her handbag up from the car floor.

"Hold on, what you doing later?" He asked her, not even bothering to look at her as he carefully concentrated on his spliff that he was rolling. He didn't really care to know the answer, he had his plan.

"Going out" she spoke bluntly and now he looked up at her with eyes that was warning her not to fuck about with him.

"Going out on a date. Nothing serious" she changed her tone. "Cool, then I'm picking you up after" he let her know as she nodded. "Cool" she agreed.

He didn't even look at her as she left, all he heard was the car door shut and she was gone.

Both Amet & Namzuri had come to an agreement that they would be fucking each other consistently, no strings attached whatsoever meaning that Namzuri could do whatever she pleased as long as she was there when Amet called that phone of hers.

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