Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

"Is that is?" I asked myself holding the piece of parchment they left after they took Ginny.

" Who took her?" I asked myself again. Then I decided to go ask Hermione for help. I took the muggle phone and dialed Hermione and Ron's house number.

" Hello?" I heard Ron's voice over the phone.

" RON!!!" I yelled panicking

" Geez, lower down mate, my eardrums are gonna explode" I heard Ron said back to me.

" Sorry mate, I need you to ask Hermione to come and talk to me"

" Why?" Ron asked

" Ginny has been kidnapped, I don't know by whom but I think it's Death Eaters" I told him

" WOT!!!!!" I heard Ron yell, I took the phone away from my ear then I rubbed my ear with my other hand.

" Stop shouting " I told Ron

" Sorry" Ron apologized

" I'll get Hermione, stay night here, don't go anywhere" I heard Ron said again.

I heard distant chatters from the phone, then I heard Hermione's voice.

" Harry?" Hermione asked through the phone.

" Hey Hermione"

" Ron told me everything, let's go to The Burrow tonight and tell them and plan something up" Hermione suggested.

" Alright, see you guys there" I told her, then I hung up.

I went upstairs to me and Ginny's room. I flopped on the bed then I buried my head in my hands. Before I knew it I broke down and slowly fell asleep.

After a while

When I woke up I checked the time, it was 5:45. I got to the bathroom took a quick cold bath and wore a plain shirt and a dark blue ripped jeans. Then I apparated to The Burrow.

The Burrow

When I arrived at The Burrow I saw Hermione, Ron , George, Bill, Percy, Mr and Mrs Weasley a the living room chatting over something serious, I knew what they were discussing about.

" So..." Mrs Weasley said

" Ginny's kidnapped" Bill added

" So what do we do?" Percy asked

" I... have no idea" I said sadly with a silent tear rolling down my check, it just hurt so much when I did not protect Ginny.

" Harry dear, tell us how everything started" Mrs Weasley asked me.

I told them how everything started and ended.

Everyone went pale.

" I assume it's Death Eaters" I said

" I think so too" Hermione agreed with me.

" We need a plan" George said.

Just then I felt something in my pocket went hot. I took it out and saw the parchment the person who took Ginny left me there. It started to become hot and then there where words adding up on the parchment.

Tomorrow night, Malfoy Manor

I showed Hermione, then Hermione went pale.

" So, we have a clue, where Ginny is now" Ron said from behind.

I nodded. Then we planned that we'd be going there tonight instead of tomorrow.

Ginny's POV

I woke up, my hands and legs were tied up. My hands were tied up to the wall and my mouth had a cloth over it. Then I heard someone coming. Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy.

" Hello there, woke up already have you?" Malfoy said in his cold voice

I tried to say something but I only made mumbling noise.

" Right, the cloth." Lucius laughed

He took it of with the Levitation Charm

" WHAT THE HELL, DO YOU WANT FROM ME????" I shouted once the cloth was not on my mouth.

" Calm down, Miss Potter, we won't harm you if Potter come here and sacrifice himself to save you" Malfoy laughed.

Then Malfoy left.

~ Harry.... Come quick~ I thought in my head.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading this chapter!!!!!! If your new here, just to let you know I update everyday (Means everyday there is one new chapter). If your birthday is coming, let me know. I'll write an extra chapter, as a little birthday gift from me!!! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!!! BYE~~


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