Chapter 16

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Bonus Chapter !!!

After 2 weeks

" I promise I'll be back after 4 months, Gin" Harry said.

" OK.... I'll miss you" Ginny said pouting.

Harry stroked her cheek.

" I'll miss you too. And you too, James" Harry said bending down kissing James head.

" I gonna missy you daddy!!" James exclaimed. Harry smiled.

" I'll call you on the muggle phone, whenever I can" Harry told Ginny.

" You promise" Ginny teased.

" Yes" Harry smiled. When Harry was about to apparate away. He turned back to Ginny and crashed his lips on hers, dropping his suitcase placing his hands on Ginny's waist. They kissed, let's say snogged for quite a time.

" Are you done yet?" James asked looking at them. They had completely forgotten their son was watching.

" I love you" Harry said picking up the suitcase again.

" I love you too. BYE!!" Ginny said.

" BYE BYE DADDY!!!" James shouted.

Harry apparated.

Ginny's POV

Harry left. I won't see him for the next 4 months. GREAT!!

" Come on, James" I said picking James up.

" It's time for bed" I told him

" NO!!!" James shouted.

" Hey!! No shouting to me!!" I scolded him.

" Yes, mummy" James said with his head down

" Now come on, you can sleep with me since daddy's not around" I told James

" YAY!!!" James exclaimed .

After 2 weeks

Someone rang the doorbell. I opened the door to see Hermione and Ron.

" Hey Ginny!!" Hermione said hugging me tightly, followed by Ron.

" Hey Mione" I greeted with a small smile.

Ron ran in the house and picked James up.

" Uncle Ronny!!!!" James shouted.

" Hey there Jamsie!!" Ron.

While Ron was playing with James while me and Hermione sat at the counter talking.

" Ginny, I think that me and Ron should stay with you in the house, in case your about to go in labour" Hermione suggested .

" Yea, I think I'm fine with that" I replied taking a sip of my butterbeer.

" Great" Then Hermione swished her wand and a bunch of trunks, bags and luggage came in from the front door.

I showed Hermione and Ron their room and I walked to my room.

4 months later.

Harry's POV

I walked in the streets of London. I walked to my house, Potter Manor.

I stepped in the house. It was all quiet. I walked into me and Ginny's room, it was all empty. I saw the gave ring I gave to Ginny. A tear flowed down my cheek.


" Ginny. Look!! You know I really want to come back home but you know I can't" I yelled on the phone.

" I know!!!" Ginny shouted back

" Then can we stop arguing !?!?" I asked

" You don't know how it feels. Taking care of 2 children by myself"

" I know bu-" I got cut off by Ginny.


"Ginny wait!!" I yelled but she hung up.

[End of flashback]

I got dressed properly after a cold shower. Then apparated to my parents' house.

" Hello Harry!!" Mum greeted me.

" Hey mum, hey dad"

After a while, I apparated back to the Burrow

" Harry!!" Mrs Weasley yelled hugging me tightly.

" Hey Mrs Weasley"

" Ginny's upstairs in her room" Mrs Weasley told me. I nodded and went to her room.

I breathed in and knocked on the door.

" Come in" my favourite sound said, but was full with depression.

I opened the door and saw a girl with fiery red hair sitting by the bed reading a book, James was playing his toys on the floor, he looked up at me.

" DADDY!!!!" James yelled running to me hugging my leg. I bended down and he hugged my neck tightly.

" Hey James" I whispered.

" I missed you Daddy!! When you not home. Mummy always cwying. She missy you too!!!" James yelled. I rubbed my nose against his. I stood up and went over to the crib nearby. I saw a boy with black hair there sleeping. I stroked his cheek. His eyes opened. I noticed he had my green eyes. When he saw me he giggled.

" Hey there" I said to Albus.

" Gaaa" Albus mumbled.

" Yes. I'm your daddy" I whispered. Albus giggled, smiling.

I got up and sat next to Ginny. She didn't look up. I took the book out of her hands. She looked at me without a smile.

" What do you want?" She asked trying to be cold as possible.

" Look Gin. I know it's been hard for you over these days" I told her

" Months" She snapped at me

" Yes." I agreed.

" But, I really am sorry for arguing over the phone with you that day" I apologized. I saw she was about to cry but she didn't.

" I'm back now. So, will you forgive me?" I asked. She looked at my eyes, while I looked deeply into hers.

Before I could add anything, she crashed her lips on mine, kissing me deeply. After a while, we pulled away. Boy, did I miss that.

" Of course I will, you dummy" Ginny said hugging me laying her head on my chest. I pulled out the ring Ginny left at Potter Manor, then slipped it into her ring finger.

" I really missed you Harry" Ginny said cuddling closer to me.

" I missed you too" I whispered in her ear.

Hey Guys!!! Thanks for reading this chapter!!! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!! Bye, Luv ya!!!

Ginny xx 

I can't live without you: Harry and Ginny a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now