Chapter 14

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~ Time skip ~ James is now 4 months old

" James!!" Ginny said

" Come here" Ginny opened her arms, letting her son cuddle in her arms. James crawled over to Ginny, he stood up and jumped to Ginny.

" HARRY!!!!"

" Wot?" Harry said

" James can stand!!!!"

" Really??" Harry said rushing over

" Come on, show Dada"

James stood up again and jumped to Harry's arms

" You're a little athlete aren't you" Harry said kissing his nose, James giggled.

" Dada" James said.

Ginny and Harry's eyes widen, they looked at each other and smiled.

" What did you say James?" Ginny said tickling his tummy.

" Dada" James said again

" Ohhh, his first word!!!" Ginny yelled

" James has his first word!!!!" Harry yelled swinging James up and down, James giggled.

" Let's go to The Burrow, Hermione and Ron got news" Harry told Ginny.

The Burrow

" Harry!!!" Lily said hugging Harry

" How's my little grandson?" Lily asked taking James in her arms

" Great, James now can stand" Harry told Lily

" Really??"

" Today he said his first word"

" Ohh, how precious. What's his first word?"

" Dada" James said.

" Ohhh, he can understand what I say!!!" Lily said pressing her nose on James's.

" Hello Ginny!!" Mrs Weasley came over and hugged Ginny tightly.

" Hey Mum"

" Come on, I'm starving" James ( Harry's father) said.

" Uhh, me and Hermione got some news" Ron said standing up.

" We're engaged !!" Hermione and Ron said together

Everyone clapped, congratulated them, Fred and George wolf-whistled.

After dinner

" Bye mum, we're heading home now" Ginny said

" Bye Ginny, Harry" Mrs Weasley said.

Ginny's POV

Me and Harry apparated back.

" Ginny do you want to get a new house?" Harry asked me

" Yeah, we can't stay here forever" I told him

" I've got some places" Harry suggested

" Already?!?!?"

" Let's get James to bed first" Harry said

I placed James in his crib, Harry kissed his nose, while I kissed his forehead.

" Goodnight, James" I whispered

Me and Harry changed into our pajamas, and Harry hugged me tight to his chest.

" Night Gin. I love you" Harry whispered

" Goodnight Harry. Love you too"

After 3 hours


I got up and ran to the nursery, I picked James up and started to sing him to sleep. I sat beside James's crib and keep singing him to sleep, after an hour, James fell asleep. I got up, opened the door and saw Harry on the floor laying against the wall sleeping soundly. I sat beside him, Harry placed his arm around me and pulled me closer. I cuddled to his chest and fell asleep again.

Next Morning

I woke up on the bed. I saw Harry wasn't there. I changed into one of Harry's grey shirt and went downstairs to find Harry and James playing together.

" Morning Gin" Harry said kissing my forehead.

" Mmm morning" I replied.

" DADA!!!" James yelled.

" Yes, Jamsie" Harry said picking him up

James looked at me, and said.

" MAMA!!!!"

Harry looked at me

" Ohh, he said mama!!!" I yelled happily.

" MAMA!!!" James yelled again.

" Yes, James" I said kissing his nose, he giggled happily. James clapped his hands.

" Awww" I said

" Come on, Gin. My parents, Sirius, Remus and Tonks are coming over for breakfast" Harry told me

Then someone rang the doorbell. I went and open it

" Wotcher Ginny" Tonks said

" Hey, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Lily, James" I said looking at the back of her.

" Come in" I said stepping back

" Wow, my house have got a transformation" Sirius said looking around.

" Yes, me and Harry worked on it a bit" I replied

" Can I see little James?" Tonks asked me

" Sure" I went to James's play floor and picked him up and passed him to Tonks

" Hey there little one" Tonks said. James giggled

" Where's Teddy?" I asked Remus

" He's with Andromeda for the day" Remus replied me

" Hello Harry" Sirius said

" Hey, Sirius, mum, dad, Remus, Tonks" Harry greeted

" Come on let's get some food" James said ( Harry's father )

We chatted during breakfast, while Lily fed James.

" So, mum, dad where you guys live now?" Harry asked Lily and James (Harry's father)

" Ohh, we live at Godric's Hallow, we rebuilt it" James replied

After we ate we went to the living room to chat. It was time for them to leave.

" OK, BYE!!!" I said to them at the door.

" Hermione told me she wanted you at her wedding to be the Maid of Honor, while Ron wanted me to be his Best Man. " Harry told me from behind.

" Great!!" I said kissing his cheek

Hey Guys!!! Thanks for reading this chapter, I'm not going to update this week. Sorry. I've got another competition coming up and they pulled front the due date. UGH!! I need sometime to prepare. But I promise, I will try to add some bonus chapters after this week. Sooo, Bye!!!! Love ya!!!


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