Chapter 17

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Time skip!!

" Ahhh!!!!" Ginny shouted.

" Wot is it!?!?!" Harry asked panicking.

" Contraction" Ginny gasped.

" Are you sure it's not labor?" Harry asked

" I'm sure" Ginny said.

" Do you need any help?" Harry asked

" No" Ginny said trying to get up but she couldn't

" I guess I do need some help" Ginny sighed.

Harry chuckled and helped Ginny up to bed.

2 weeks later, Ginny is having Lily and she is 7 months old.

2 am

Ginny's POV

I was sleeping soundly when I felt a sharp pain in stomach. It wasn't like a contraction. I sat up and started to clutch my stomach. Then I felt water coming out. My water broke.

I started to shake Harry. He started stir but he didn't wake up.

" Harry...." I whispered. I was too weak.

" Harry!..." I started to panic.

Thankfully Harry woke up.

" Wot Gin?" Harry asked half asleep.

" My water broke" I whispered.

" Are you sure it's not pee?" Harry asked.

" Harry..." I moaned clutching my stomach.

" Right. Hospital now" Harry said carrying me up.

We flooed to ST. Mungo's. Next thing I knew was I was on a bed and wearing a hospital gown.

" Alright. Miss Potter. In 5 minutes I need you to push as hard as you can" The healer told me. I just nodded. Harry was holding my hand tightly in his hands.

" Alright. Push!!"

I pushed as hard as I can.

" Harder!!" The healer shouted.

" I KNOW HOW TO GIVE BIRTH YOU AS*HOLE!!!" I shouted. Damn my hormones.

After a while of pain.

" Congratulations. Mr and Mrs Potter. It's a girl!!!" The healer announced.

" Fantastic Ginny. Just fantastic" Harry said kissing my head, crying.

They brought me to a room. I saw my baby enter she was beautiful. They passed her to me. I held her in my arms.

" Hello there" I said kissing her nose.

" I'm you mummy." I whispered.

" And I'm your daddy" Harry said beside me.

" What should we name her?" Harry asked me

" After your mother" I told Harry.

" Lily, Lily Luna Potter" I said.

" Lily Potter it is" Harry said once more.

Next day

Everyone came running in.

" How are you, Gin Gin?" Mum asked.

" I'm getting better" I said smiling.

" Where is my grand-daughter?" Lily asked.

I looked over to the crib near me. She went over and picked Lily up.

" She's beautiful" Lily said starting to tear up.

" What's her name?" Hermione asked.

" Lily, Lily Luna Potter" me and Harry said.

" Did someone say my name?" A girl with a dreamy voice asked.

" Yes Luna. My daughter is named after you. Would you like to be her godmother?" I asked Luna.

" I'd love to" Luna said smiling.

" We have 2 Lily's now!!" James and Sirius exclaimed.

Lily hit James in the chest.

" Well we'll see you both soon. Get well Gin" Ron said before he and everyone left.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Harry noticed.

" What's wrong?" He asked with concern

" It's nothing. I'm just so happy" I said smiling.

" Me too" Harry said kissing my cheek. He was about to turn around but I grabbed his collar and kissed him hard.

I smirked.

Ginny got discharged from the hospital.

" Mummy!!! Can I see Lily??" James asked

" Yes James" I said placing Lily carefully in his arms

" Lily pretty like a flower" James said with awe.

I smiled.

I took Lily from James arms and brought her to her room and placed her in her crib.

" Goodnight my little flower" I whispered kissing her forehead.

I went to me and Harry's bedroom to find Harry there sleeping with James by his side cuddling into his shirt and Albus in his arms. My boys were sleeping soundly. They were so adorable. I was so happy. What more can I ask for?

I went back to Lily's room and brought her to me and Harry's room and let her sleep in my arms while I sleep next to all my boys. I felt Harry kiss my forehead. I smiled.

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I can't live without you: Harry and Ginny a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now