Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

Me and all the Weasleys arrived at the front door of Malfoy Manor. Mr Weasley tried to open up the gate but it won't budge. Then Ron tried again.

" Oh, move OVER!!! Alohomora !!!" Hermione shouted. Surprisingly the gates opened

" We've been over that before,'Mione" Ron told her smirking. Hermione just rolled her eyes.

We stepped in quietly, then we heard distant chatters. We hid behind a statue.

" I'm telling you Potter won't come!!! He will try his best to get that girl out without us noticing!!!" I heard a man said, also known as Greyback.

" He won't, Potter doesn't have a choice. He has to sacrifice himself to save that girl" I heard another cold voice said, Lucius Malfoy

" Then what do we do with that girl? Starve her to death?" Greyback asked

" No....." Malfoy chuckled

" We'll... entertain her with Crabbe" he added coldly

Then flashes of horrible things that Crabbe is doing to Ginny came and go in my mind, I shivered. I knew I had to stop them, this is not a question.

Then when Malfoy and Greyback left, Mr Weasley told Bill and Percy to guard the door while me, Hermione and Ron go find Ginny. I saw Crabbe senior walk over going somewhere, I signaled Hermione and Ron to follow him, thank god they understood. I took out the Invisible Cloak and we went under it. We followed Crabbe to a very gloomy room he opened the door and went in behind him.

" Hello gorgeous" Crabbe said to a girl with red hair, no doubt that's my Ginny.

" Hello yourself" I heard Ginny said

" Before Potter come, do you wanna have a little fun?" Crabbe said, I swear I wanted to kill him


" No.... Come on" then Crabbe started to rip her shirt and started to touch her, I saw Ginny got mad and kicked his face with both of her legs, he flew back.

" DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!! YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME AND NOBODY CAN, ONLY HARRY CAN!!!!" Ginny shouted. I smirked.

Then Crabbe got closer to her, I couldn't take it I took out my wand came out from the cloak and shouted.


" HARRY!!!!!" Ginny shouted.

I untied her hands and legs, just when I was done, Ginny crashed her lips on mine, I returned it. I felt her lips were really dry, means she didn't drank anything at all.

" Harry....." Ginny started to cry

" Shhhh, I'm here Ginny, I said comforting her"

" Let's go before they come back" Hermione said while Ron opened the door checking if anyone was there.

" Coast it clear" Ron said

I helped Ginny get up and I threw the cloak over all the 4 of us, it was quite hard to. Then we heard someone coming. We quickly head for the gates where we came in. I saw Mr Weasley, Bill and Percy there. We got out from the manor and apparated back to The Burrow.

" THANK GOD YOUR SAFE!!!" Mrs Weasley said hugging everyone of us

" Mum, can me and Harry go back home? I'm tired and starving to death" Ginny said.

" Of course" Mrs Weasley told Ginny

Me and Ginny apparated home, when we reached the front door, she collapsed.

" Ginny!! Ginny, what's wrong?" I asked her

" Harry... I'm very weak....." She told me

I nodded and carried her bridal style and brought her to our bedroom. I took of her dirty clothes and noticed there were bruises, cuts and blood all over her. It hurt me so much. I helped her wear her night gown, and placed her on the bed carefully.

" You want to eat something, Ginny?" I asked her

" Yea..." she replied

I went to the kitchen and cooked some of her favorite chicken noodle soup. I brought the bowl up to the bedroom. I placed the bowl on the table beside our bed. I took some pillow and help Ginny get up and placed the pillow behind her back. Then I took the bowl and started to feed her slowly. When she was done, I helped her lay on the bed again. I used my wand and washed the bowl quickly. I changed in to my pajamas and laid my back on my bed, I noticed Ginny wasn't sleeping so I hugged her, she laid her head on my chest, I laid mine on her head.

" Thank you Harry for saving me" Ginny whispered weakly

" No need to thank me, I should save my own beautiful wife" I whispered back and kissed the top of her head.

" Plus, I saw you kick Crabbe's face, that was good" I told her smirking

" Don't mention it, I hate it when people touch me. But I don't when you do" Ginny whispered.

" Oh really?" I smirked. Ginny looked at me in the eye.

" Really" Ginny said, smiling.

I leaned down, and kissed her. We pulled away and I hugged her close.

" I love you, Gin" I told her

" I love you too, Harry" Ginny said back

Hey guys!!!! Thanks for reading. I might not update lately, might!! But I'll try my best. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!!! If you have a few recommendations or suggestions don't forget to tell me in the comments or text me privately!!! Bye~

Ginny xx

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