Olympus is Doomed

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AN: This is my first fanfiction, so please be gentle. Expect slow updates, as it takes me a long time to write. Hephaestus isn't here because he's still on Lemnos in this story, but he will make an appearance later. 

Olympus is doomed

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 1

A man strolled along the sidewalks of Olympus, whistling a jaunty tune all while waving at the gods who resided in the city. His perfectly tanned skin bathed comfortably in the afternoon sunlight, as the six-foot four god proceeded to walk into the throne room of Olympus.

The throne room was the size of several football fields. Like everything on Olympus, it was magnificent. Several twenty-foot beings already rested in the thrones of the room. Perseus was unfazed, growing to a height of twenty feet himself. The king of the gods proceeded to his rightful throne and lounged lazily in the chair. Perseus summoned his symbol of power, a beautiful dark sword humming with energy, and slammed it into the ground. All around the throne room, eleven bright flashes of light appeared, revealing the forms of eleven immortals.

The Olympians were the twelve most powerful gods of the Greek pantheon, unmatched by any other gods, major or minor. The eldest of Kronos lazily observed the other immortals, as he sheathed his sword on his back.

However magnificent the throne room was, it was not without problems. Zeus, his little brother, had been attempting to consolidate power by attempting to make his own children Olympians. Perseus and Zeus both knew that the more children that Zeus had on the council, the more votes Zeus would guarantee, and the more power Zeus would obtain. Zeus already had four of his children on the council, those being Artemis, Apollo, Athena, and Hermes. Hera would be forced to vote for Zeus, so that gave him a total of six votes, including himself. On top of his guaranteed six votes, the god of lightning was attempting to make that stupid war god and the insufferable wine god Dionysus Olympians.

Perseus chuckled quietly to himself, as he knew that Zeus was not as powerful in the Olympian world of politics as he thought. The god of time, darkness, and mountains had built close relationships with all four of Zeus' children. Perseus even had a close relationship with his sister Hera, although it was strained due to Hera's wrath on Leto as well as Zeus' other mortal lovers.

The eldest of Kronos snickered as he watched his sister Hera reprimand Zeus with a peacock feather for cheating on her again. Zeus hunched over to avoid his wife's wrath and looked to someone for help. Unluckily for him, no one in the room was willing to risk the wrath of Hera. After a few minutes, the goddess of marriage huffed and tucked away her peacock feather, as Zeus straightened himself.

"Perseus," the king would have to be deaf to not notice the venom and bitterness hidden in lightning god's voice, "you must call a vote on the matters at hand." The god waved a hand lazily at Zeus, watching with satisfaction as Zeus grew purple with rage. "For what?"

Zeus growled, the air around him beginning to smell like ozone and crackling with electricity. Perseus raised an eyebrow, knowing that Zeus was probably going to take out his stupid firecracker and attempt to threaten him again. The bright blue electric eyes of Zeus exploded in anger as he stood from his throne, glaring at his eldest brother.

"You know exactly what I am calling for, brother", his brother snarled angrily, his tone filled with venom.

Perseus scanned the rest of the room, reading the reactions of the other Olympian gods. Artemis sat in her throne idly, twirling a silver arrow. Her eyes betrayed her body language, as they hid an undertone of anxiety. In the throne right next to her, Apollo was dozing lazily with his eyes half-closed, though the tapping of his foot every few seconds said otherwise. Why they were tense, the god of darkness didn't have a clue. Aphrodite was changing her features rapidly, trying to find the prettiest form. Everyone there seemed outright bored. Hades and Poseidon were staring at the god of thunder and lightning.

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