The Quest Continues

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AN: Enjoy a new chapter! Sorry about the inconsistent uploads, it happens and I'm getting busier by the week. I try to keep the number of words and the quality of my writing consistently high, so I don't end up posting one thousand word chapters; I always make sure I write at least two thousand words per chapter, preferably three thousand. Anything more than five thousand, I cut it off and save it for the next chapter, since I think anything more than around five thousand words is a bit too much.

Today's chapter is slightly short, sorry about that, but I wanted to write dialogue for this one, and I couldn't write a 3k scene on this.

Decided to do some responses to reviewers from Fanfiction, since it's harder to do that on FFN than on Wattpad. I'm honestly not sure why I haven't done this before, but here you go:

In response to 'brotherdonteatme': Yeah, this scene was inspired by the escape of Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda. I'm sure everyone can agree with me on that that prison escape scene was perfectly choreographed, and great as a whole!

In response to 'HellRaiderS': Thank you!

In response to 'mitragaurav10': Thank you!

In response to 'Guest' (you've faithfully reviewed since the beginning): Thank you!

In response to 'levi.hall.9279': Thank you! I'm glad I've been able to draw so many readers to my first story, and I'm especially happy that I can entertain you guys and keep you all intrigued!

In response to 'Guest': Yep, as mentioned above, I was inspired by the Kung Fu Panda Tai Lung prison escape scene.

In response to 'Pater P0n': I honestly don't understand this reference.

In response to 'Pater P0n' second review: Yeah, the Kung Fu panda reference was intentional, I loved the escape scene, as it was well choreographed as a whole. I didn't intentionally write the cobalt daimon's weapons to look like the ones in god of war 4 (I've never heard of that game) but I searched it up, and the weapons actually look cool! I'm glad I'm able to give a sense of what the weapon feels like so that you can imagine it while reading.

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The Quest Continues

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 13

Zoe let out a sigh, the black-haired huntress leaning against the wall as she sat down on the floor, examining her group. After just a couple days of travel, they were surprisingly peachy compared to the state that the huntress expected them to be.

Had it not been for Perseus, Zoe doubted they would come out of the fight with the Nemean Lion at all, let alone unscathed.

They were fine, simply a little tired.

Ok, maybe they were really tired.

Eyebags were visible on all the girls, as Annabeth, the youngest of the five, quivered a little, shaking still from her close encounter with Thanatos. Thalia brought her arms around the daughter of Athena, comforting her as the group shared a brief respite from the tiring journey.

Thalia's sleek, black jacket was torn, but still the daughter of Zeus donned it, the jacket wrapping comfortably around her lithe form.

Annabeth was fine, seemingly a little sick; the ten-year-old was a "greenie", as the mortals called them. She was bound to have some, well, homesickness, the huntress supposed. She wore combat pants and a vest along with combat boots.

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