The Father of All Monsters

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The Father of All Monsters

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 26

Zeus coughed up golden ichor, laughing maniacally, "I will show you the true meaning of strength, brother," he sneered the word as if it were poison, electric blue eyes cockily meeting his dark ones.

Perseus took one good look at him, raising an eyebrow at his pitiful state. He clocked him in the face.

With no defenses, the hysterically laughing Zeus elegantly dropped flat on the ground, knocked out. Perseus closed his eyes, sending a mental message to the phusias to assist New Rome and Camp Half-blood. It wouldn't do to allow them to perish as he was fighting this... thing.

"My friend, Chronos, if you would."

"Gladly," the primordial intoned mentally.

After a few moments of silence, a hand extended itself out of thin air, grabbing the unconscious god of lightning and thunder by the ankle. It dragged Zeus back into the portal from which it came, the primordial demonstrating surprising strength despite his age. Father Time bowed to no one.

As he finished, the god of darkness looked back at the raging monster that was Typhon, taking a deep breath.

He had defeated him once before, and that was when he had been a mere godling, terrified and shaking. Yet, he hadn't run. He had been determined to set a good example for the rest of the Olympians, and he had faced his fear, this monstrosity. He could do it again.

"You are one ugly motherfucker," he whispered, partially to himself, and partially to the thing that stood in front of him.

The combined two hundred serpentine heads on both of his hands turned to regard him, hissing violently at him, as if they had heard him. The giant turned, each step sending tremors that rocked the very ground, but Perseus stood still. It was said that mortals or weak demigods who looked at Typhon's face for too long would go insane from trying to comprehend it. Gods would flee in terror from this giant.

"Back for round two, are you?" he taunted, a smirk slowly settling over his features.

Typhon chose to answer him by spewing a torrent of searing fire the width of several acres from his maw. The flames were so hot, one would be scorched alive from just standing within the impact zone.

He raised his arms, forcing a thick sheen of pure darkness outwards from where he stood. The resulting shockwave sent wind through his hair. The scorching flames were pushed back, as he forced the darkness back at the monstrosity.

It barely did anything, however. The father of all monsters didn't even stumble, not even deigning to bear the attack with a grunt.

Suddenly, the ground shook forcefully, and even Perseus stumbled slightly. In the distance, Mount Saint Helens erupted, the molten hot lava flowing towards them. Tornadoes formed in front of him, whipping up to hundreds of miles per hour, blinding him and forcing him to shield his eyes.

The bright blue sky turned bloodred and black, tremors running through the Earth.

Perseus sent a burst of godly energy out clearing the fog and debris. He stared at the fiery globs of lava the size of entire fields that Typhon had in each of his hands, watching as the giant stomped into the Earth to retrieve more from under the ground. That wasn't something he did the last time...

Had he decided to grow a couple braincells?

Evidently he stared for too long, because the bastard took an opportunity to heave the globs of magma at him.

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