The Beginning of the End

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AN: Ok, I know I've been slacking off with the word count of the chapters recently, which is why we have a three thousand word chapter here!


Responding to reviews

In response to "Deeznuggets2121": I think I'll be able to make the plot work, I'll make sure this story isn't rushed or anything.

In response to "HellRaiderS": Thank you, and thank you for reviewing!

In response to "Guest (I'll just call you faithful guest from now on to distinguish you from other 'guests')" : Thanks! Yes, Ouranos is back, what kind of trouble will this stir up for Perseus?

In response to "AG23": It might become a five way battle, or it might not. Who knows? Maybe some parties will team up, and perhaps others will be eliminated even before the full out war begins.

In response to "gangui": Good point, although my earlier chapters weren't exactly the best in terms of quality. I believe I've improved now, so if one reads through all of it, I think the reader would be more than satisfied. Perhaps even a little unsatisfied due to the fact that this fic is currently incomplete!

Read, follow, favorite, review/comment to show your support and motivate me to put out more chapters!

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The Beginning of the End

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 15

A group of five girls could be seen from a bird's eye view, traveling in the scalding desert with temperatures rising to unbearable heights.

"Behold, the Junkyard of the Gods."

The daughter of Atlas looked up to see Thalia pointing her spear at the approaching junkyard.

"You are so awful at 'grand' voices, Thalia," Phoebe deadpanned.

Thalia rolled her eyes at that, as the rest of the group hummed in agreement.

"Not my fault I'm not as much as a drama queen as my dad."

The five let out soft snickers at that as the skies rumbled slightly above.

Phoebe smirked at Thalia, shaking her head. "Careful with that, drama queen above might just smite you, even if its his own daughter."

The group entered the colossal yard of junk.

A range of hills spanning until the edge of the horizon was visible... but they weren't your ordinary, countryside hills, which were full of wavering, green grass.

The hills were just enormous mounds of old mortal cars, appliances, old crowns, refrigerators, computer monitors, smashed chariots, everything. Shields and swords glistened tantalizingly in the sunlight. It was a junkyard that seemed to go on until the ends of time, the great garbage yard of the gods.

"Remember! Do not touch anything," Zoe warned, "any touching of any item will bring bad fortune to us."

The group walked forward in comfortable silence, well, as comfortable one can be when walking through a gigantic junkyard.

After a few minutes, Thalia noticed that the daughter of Athena was no longer with them and cursed, looking around to find her.

She and the others turned around to see Annabeth racing towards some ancient gadget that mesmerized her.

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