The Aftermath

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The Aftermath

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 18

Perseus' lifeless body flew away, forcefully hitting the sea and cleaving the very tides of Pontus in half, shaking Gaea as the mythological world was alerted that he had fallen once again.

As the three huntresses battled their former patron, Atlas watched stonily.

Although his daughter had betrayed him, Atlas found shreds of pride in the way she fought the goddess of the hunt.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the earth, even throwing Atlas himself off balance as everyone fell to the ground. Thalia huddled Annabeth's unconscious body close to her, like a mother hen protecting a precious egg.

The titan looked upwards into the sky to see a shockwave of gold, encroaching towards their position.

The others were knocked onto the ground as the shockwave skidded Atlas backwards.

His face was grim, and the huntresses paused their fight with Artemis, knowing what had happened as well. Thalia's eyes were wide in shock, as she couldn't feel Perseus' presence on her necklace.

He could sense multiple presences approaching them; among them, Athena and Apollo.

It would be a pain to have to deal with multiple gods. He grunted as the huntress bounded over to him and Thalia. Atlas flashed out with them just in time.

Apollo and Athena arrived in the vicinity, only to see a bloody, wide-eyed goddess of the hunt.


Poseidon widened his eyes in shock as the shockwave reached him. The god of the seas sensed out the location of Perseus' body just as it hit the water, and he immediately flashed there.

Nothing was to be seen.

No life within a mile of the location.

Yet Perseus wasn't there.

The god scratched his head in confusion.

If Perseus wasn't anywhere to be found in the sea, and he was supposed to be in the sea...

Then where was he?

Oh dear. They were truly fucked if he was there.

A spear crossed over a spear appeared above his head, prompting Poseidon to flash to the meeting.

An invisible bump hit him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks, forcing him out of the metaphysical plane. He grunted, sitting up and realizing that he was now on the ground. The sea god grumbled, getting up and wiping to get the dust off his clothes.

Poseidon groaned, realizing that he'd have to walk the rest of the way, since Perseus had banned all metaphysical presences in the vicinity, and hence, had banned flashing, shadow traveling, mist traveling, flame traveling, among many others. Only the god himself had access to flashing through the building.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Poseidon furiously bounded through the large doors, taking a sharp right and several more turns before arriving at the room. He pushed through the door, stopping in his tracks as all eyes turned to him.

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