Knight In Shining Armor ~ Prinxiety (High School AU)

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CW: bullying, Virgil getting beat up, implied homophobia, and implied f-slur.

Roman raised his hand.

"Señora Villanueva?"

His Spanish teacher paused what she was writing on the board and turned around

"¿Qué es Señor Prince?" (What is it, Mr. Prince?)

Roman put his hand down

"¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?" (May I be excused to go to the bathroom, please?)

The teacher smiled a little and nodded, Roman was one of the few students that asked all his questions in Spanish like he was supposed to. Roman was in AP Spanish, since his Abuela had been teaching him Spanish since he was a baby. His dad worked a lot, and his mom died when he was a baby, so his Abuela watched him til he was old enough to be on his own. It was technically his mom's mom, but she offered to watch him in order to stay close to him and his dad gladly let her. He knew this was her way of staying close to her little niño after her daughter was gone. All of this was going through his head on his way to the bathroom. He did what he needed to do and then started to head back, but was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of something slamming against a locker and a blow landing against something soft. He looked around and his eyes locked onto two bigger guys pinning a smaller one to the lockers, and a third bigger guy punching the smaller one in the stomach repeatedly. He didn't know what was going on, but he saw a very unfair advantage and knew he needed to do something about it.


The three thugs looked over to Roman as he approached, but the poor victim just hung his head, clearly in too much pain to really focus on much else. The two pinning the boy stayed where they were, but the attacker turned to fully face Roman, trying to block the situation with his body.

"Scram dickwad, this doesn't concern you."

Roman raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. 'Scram', really? What was this, the 50s?

"Really? Cause not only do I see three-against-one, but I also see three football playing seniors picking on some poor little freshman. What'd he even do? Sit in your seat in class or something? Scratch your car?"

It was true, now that Roman was closer, he noticed that he recognized all three boys from the one football game he'd been to. And it was only because his friend Patton was a cheerleader and said that they were using a musical theatre reference in one of their halftime cheers. One of the thugs pinning the poor kid spoke up from behind their apparent leader.

"He's not a freshman, he's a f-"

The leader spun around and interrupted him

"Shut up, Brick!"

The other guy shrunk back a little

"Sorry, Jackson"

Now Roman was really curious, but let it slide. Maybe he'd ask the kid after he got him to safety

"Regardless, I still see a bunch of jerks picking on someone at a disadvantage. Now, do I need to call for a teacher or can we settle this like gentlemen?"

Roman wasn't quite as big as these guys, but he was big enough to hold his own long enough that the kid should be able to escape...assuming he could walk. The pinning two looked at each other and then to their leader, Jackson. Jackson growled and took a swing at Roman, who effortlessly ducked under it and countered it with a punch to the idiot's exposed side. The pinning two let go of the kid, who dropped to the ground clutching his stomach. They reached to grab Roman, supposably to pin him similarly to the other boy, but he dodged them. By this time, Jackson had recovered and all three were trying to attack him. He took a few hits, but delivered just as many, and it was nothing he couldn't handle. After a few minutes, the bell rang, the bullies took that as their cue to leave before they got caught. Roman went to the kid before the halls got too full.

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