Sleep Well, Mr. Sleep ~ MoSleep

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A/N: Sex is mentioned, but not had. Also, Remy is so very drunk. Please don't get this drunk unless you have someone you trust to take care of you.

Patton was sitting on his bed reading, waiting for his boyfriend to come home. He checked his watch, it was just past 3 am. He frowned, normally Remy was home by now. Just then he heard a clumsy thumping coming up the stairs. The door to his room flung open as Remy fell against it.

"Heeeeey, Patty-Pat."

Remy's words were super slurred, he was very clearly drunk. Patton went over to him, worried.

"Sweetie! What the cuss! What happened?"

Remy laughed

"Mr. Sssnake Face challenged me to a ssshhhots contest. But I think he..."

Remy interrupted himself with a hiccup

"I think he cheated, 'cause there's noooo waaaay he could out-"

Another hiccup

"Out drink me."

Patton sighed. It wasn't uncommon for Janus to challenge the more prideful sides, Roman, Logan, Remy, to something they considered themselves the best at. And yeah, he'd cheat, but he'd do it in a way that they wouldn't notice til after the fact. Patton bent down and brushed Remy's hair out of his face lovingly.

"Oh, you sweet, adorable fool. Let's get you to bed, huh?"

Remy giggled

"Are you trying to seduce me, Mister Morality?"

Patton rolled his eyes but smiled

"Hardly, my love. You're in no state of mind to be giving consent anyway."

He picked up his boyfriend and brought him over to their shared bed. He took off Remy's signature jacket and sunglasses and set them on the chair by their bed. Remy wiggled his eyebrows at Patton

"If you wanted me naked, all ya had to do was ask."

He started undoing his skinny jeans. Patton stopped him by putting his hands over Remy's, he spoke sternly, but not unkindly

"Sweetie, no. I already told you, we're not doing anything with you in this state. It's not right."

Remy frowned up at Patton.

"But what if I want to."

Patton kissed Remy's forehead

"Sweetie, I said no. You are not in your right mind when you're this drunk. I love you too much to let you make a decision when you're like this."

Remy sighed, he knew Patton was right, he just didn't want to admit it.

"Can I at least take my pants off? They won't be comfortable to sleep in."

Patton looked at him seriously

"If you can behave yourself then yes. If not I'll go out and sleep on the couch. I am not having sex with you tonight, understand?"

Remy nodded, he didn't want Patton to leave him by himself, so he could behave. Patton smiled at his boyfriend, glad he was cooperating. He kissed the man's nose

"Thank you, sweetie. I'm gonna go get you some water. When did you eat last?"

Remy thought for a moment

"I had some nachos right before we started a couple hours, maybe."

Patton nodded

"I'll be right back. I want you to at least drink a little water before you pass out, so try to stay awake for me, ok?"

Remy nodded even though his eyes were already dropping. Patton smirked. He leaned down and kissed Remy on the lips with enough passion to surprise him and wake him up a little. Just as Remy started kissing back, Patton pulled away, causing the other to whine in protest.

"I was just waking you up. I don't want you getting too worked up. Be good and stay awake"

He gave him one more quick peck on the lips

"I'll be right back"

Then he got up to get Remy some water and some Advil. He'd want both for his hangover in the morning. He also got him a puke bucket, just in case. When he came back Remy was in almost the exact same position, but his pants were on the floor. He was in his white t-shirt and his Starbucks cup boxers. Patton chuckled softly and shook his head.

"Sweetie, can you sit up a little bit and drink some water?"

Remy's eyes fluttered back open as he nodded and sat up a bit, he suddenly looked absolutely exhausted

"Mmm, yeah. Can you grab me some-"

Patton smiled and shook the Advil bottle, making Remy smile too

"You're so amazing. You take such good care of me."

Patton chuckled. So we've moved on from horny drunk to lovey-dovey drunk. Patton had to admit, he liked this level of drunk a lot better.

"I know sweetie. I'm not known as the parental side for nothing."

He sat on the edge of the bed, set the bucket on the floor, set one bottle of water on the bedside table, and handed another to Remy after he opened it for him.

"Take a few sips while I get your Advil."

Remy did as he was told and took some slow sips as Patton shook out two pills. He put the lid back on enough to not spill, but not enough that Remy would have to fight with it in the morning.

"Here you go, sweetie. Take these. I'm gonna get my jammies on and then we can go to bed, ok?"

Remy nodded. Patton leaned over and kissed his forehead

"I want you to drink as much of that water as you can without chugging it, ok? Little sips."

Remy nodded again and took another big sip.

Patton smiled

"Good boy"

Then he took his pajamas into the bathroom connected to their room to change and get ready for bed. He left the door open a little in case Remy needed anything. After a few minutes, Remy called to him between sips

"Hey, Pat?"

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"I know you said no sex...but can we cuddle?"

Patton smiled and opened the door to look at his boyfriend

"Sweetie, when have I very denied you cuddles?"

Remy smiled widely and even giggled a little

"Never. But I just wanted to make sure."

Patton came back to bed now in his Steven Universe t-shirt and his Hufflepuff sweatpants. He laid down next to Remy as the man finished his water bottle, took it from him, put it on the bedside table along with his glasses, and then pulled the man he loved onto his chest to cuddle and play with his hair. Remy hummed with content and wrapped his arms around Patton's waist.

"I love you, Patton."

Patton smiled and kissed the top of Remy's head

"I love you too, my sweet Remy. Sleep well, Mr. Sleep."

A/N: Look, I'm not dumb or hypocritical enough to say don't drink, but if you do, please do it responsibly. Drink lots of water afterwards, before you go to bed and in the morning. The main cause of hangovers is dehydration.

Speaking of hangovers, if anyone wants a part two of the next morning, let me know.

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