Chapter Trece- Isaiah <3

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I sat in my anger management class. Meditation helps with anger and stress. I want to leave cuz this is boring af but I'm doing this for them, to be a better influence and I can't be a better one if I have anger issues and urges to kill people if they look at me wrong.


After I refused to fuck her we just laid there. It surprised me how much a person who just got raped wanted to be "railed". Maybe it's because it's from someone she's attracted to but doesn't she have a crush she talks nonstop about? Or maybe she knows if she tells me to stop I will. Whoever gets her is the luckiest man in the world and he better treat her like a princess. And I'm okay with just being her friend, as long as I'm near her I'm fine.

"I love you," she randomly said.

"I love you too princess, bye," I said. Quietly sighing.

"Bye Mi Amore(my love)," she said and I teleported away. I was sent to my mansion and laid down in my bed.

"It's nice to see you home master," Katrina said, i rolled over and smiled.

"I told you to drop the "master" but it's lovely to see you too Ms. Katrina."

"I can't drop the "master" you are way too high in society."

"We are close enough for it to be dropped."

"Whatever child, why did you return? Don't you have a wife and a little brother to be attending to?" she asked.

"I'm not going to be around them till friday. I need to finish my anger management classes so that I am reassured that I don't do anything to them when I'm in a rage fit. You saw me in a rage fit," when I mentioned that she flinched and I felt doubly worse, " see, that's exactly why I need to fix it."

"I understand your urge to fix it but in that rage fit you had enough control not to hurt me, sure you destroyed your whole room and set the whole mansion on fire," oh don't remind me, "but nothing ever hurt me or anyone else in here because you had control."

"Okay but what if I lose that control?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You won't lose that control if you care about them, and I know you don't just care about them, you LOVE them. With all of your heart."

"I still don't want them to see me like that, it's highkey scary, the thought of it to me now is scary," I sighed. She hugged me. She's the most motherly mother figure I have ever had.

"I'm proud of you, you're so brave. This is your parents doing and I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you're taking action and trying to change that," she said.

"I don't consider them my parents. I consider you my parents, I love you," I said as a tear raced down my face.

"I love you too, now your session is at 8 so i suggest you sleep," she said pulling the cover over me, "goodnight little one."

"Goodnight Katrina," said but as she walked towards the door I felt a rush of anxiety go through me, " a-actually could you stay here? At least until I fall asleep?"

"Of course," she said and sat at my bedside stroking my hair. I fell asleep to the rhythm of her hand on my head. So soothing.


"Mr. Isaiah, I don't think it's wise to attend school."

"But why?" I asked. At least she isn't calling me 'your majesty' anymore.

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