Oneshot ???

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Hey y'all i'm back to updating this! I still don't really know how to portray their personalities well but i'll try. I also can't come up with ideas too much so it'd be awesome if you gave me suggestions! I don't know if anyone will even read this, but hey, if you are, thanks! Hope you enjoy! :) (Also i hope this is atleast a lil accurate it's been a while since i watched BSD)

Ranpo was out on a mission given by the ADA. As strange as it sounds, he felt like something was wrong. Maybe because the streets were too empty? No matter where he went all he met was silence? Who knows. But this wasn't normal, atleast to him. But what could be wrong? What could have seriously messed up the day he could call 'today'? No one really knows. As he was walking he noticed a way too familiar raccoon... Karl!? So if Karl is there, so should be Poe, right? Maybe he knows what happened.

''Please leave.'' Huh? Did Poe just tell Ranpo to leave? What? For no reason? Maybe he was having a hard day, not like it's Ranpo's business but he was confused. He thought that him and Poe had a good relationship. He thought. Before he could ask, Poe was already gone like he wasn't ever there. Whatever, he continued with his missison.

The sun was starting to set telling Ranpo the day was almost over. Strangely, he couldn't even finish his mission. He was invited to a scene where a murder took place but by the time he got there they told him: ''Ah, it's okay we don't need your help anymore." This could be normal, but Ranpo had an uneasy feeling. This couldn't be normal. Something had to be wrong.

To calm himself down he decided to sit down near a river while eating his favorite candy, it was kinda nice. But he was done with his peaceful moment as he took out his glasses, he was way too confused. He put them on expecting everything to click together but nothing did. All that happened was his vision got blurry as he didn't actually need the glasses. What? Did he not have enough evidence? No no, he sure did. He quickly stood up and started fast-walking to the agency, maybe they'd know.

As he explained the situation, he didn't get the reaction he was hoping to. Dazai burst out laughing, Atsushi just looked at him, Kunikida didn't even bother. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to ask the trio but asking Fukuzawa was his last resort. ''Why are you laughing!?'' Ranpo asked. Dazai, trying to stop himself from laughing even more replied: ''Ranpo, did you- did you hit your head or something, ahahaha...What are you talking abbbouuut?!'' This was strange far too strange.

Ranpo had enough, asking Dazai was hopeless he ran into Fukuzawa's office. But...He wasn't there. ''Why, ahahahah! Are you going into the storage room, hehehehe...'' Dazai said still laughing. Storage room? What storage room? This didn't make sense. 

It had been a few days, Ranpo had tried to use his 'ability' countless times after that. It didn't work. Fukuzawa wasn't anywhere, it's like he just...dissapeared. And it seemed like no one knew him either. An universe- no, dream where abilities don't exist? No, that didn't make sense, if that was so why are people dissapearing? He noticed a while ago, Kenji aswell as Kyouka wasn't there either. Or, was this a test from Poe? Was he in one of his 'mystery novels'? It's not like he could ask him now. Whatever is going on it seems like only Ranpo knew what was truly going on. Or so he thought...

A few days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. It had been 3 months since this all started, Ranpo was in panick. Running around like crazy looking for clues, talking out loud in hope that this was a test from Poe and he would hear him... Well it didn't matter, because the man himself was now facing him. Poe looked away from Ranpo and asked: ''Are you aware?''

''Aware?'' Ranpo questioned. ''This world, it isn't what it used to be right?'' Poe said. So he was aware! This was a great sign, maybe, just maybe he could get out of this fake land now! ''That's great! So, say Poe, how do we get out?!'' said Ranpo looking for his glasses. Silence. ''We can't.'' Poe said. Huh? We can't? What nonsense is that? ''We just have to follow what he says for now.''

Soon enough it seemed like there was no more hope to escape this fake land. It had been 3 years, or so he thinks, maybe even time is twisted here. Ranpo was now married to Poe, he doesn't know how it happened either. But, is it worth living with this fake happiness forever?

I hope this isn't too bad, please tell me what you think!

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