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"It's been six months, Alex. Hasn't he proven himself enough?"

"Has he really, though? What if he hurts me again like he did before? You saw how broken I was after that," I retorted back at my best friend.

She knew that Luke and I didn't have the best breakup, but I had to be pretty vague with her when I told her about the reasons why. All she knows is that he lied to me and that he was involved the night my siblings and I got kidnapped.

"Can you just stop being such a wuss? What's life without a little bit of risk? I saw how broken you were, but I also saw how happy he made you when you were still together. Do I have to remind you all he's done in just six months?" She argued.

"Sure, Soph, enlighten me," I answered, leaning back in my chair as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Well, first off, you remember when he first came to the office? He held the door for you when you were going into the meeting room," she started.

I lifted my eyebrow. "You've got to do better than that. Collin does that for me all the time."

"I'm just getting started, Alex. He walked you to your car in the pouring rain and gave you his tiny ass umbrella because you didn't have one. He called in sick the next day. He was pretty much soaking when I saw him. Does that count for anything?"

"Sure, I'll give him that. Even my brother wouldn't do that. But I did get him coffee the next day he came in to work, so technically we're even," I countered her argument.

"Sure, whatever you say, but what about when he got your bag from your office? You specifically told Janet not to let anyone in your office unless they're 'worthy' to her. And she let him in. I mean, you said it as a joke, but still. She told me herself when I met her during lunch that day."

"Janet doesn't know what I know or what you know. All she knows is that we have a deal with him and WN Corp. to build that new store in New York. She didn't see me after the break up," I argued.

"Just give him another shot," she pushed. "You didn't even let him explain what happened last time. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding."

"Okay, tell me, why am I paying for your coffee and taking you out for lunch later?" I asked.

"Why are you changing the subject?" She leaned forward, planting her hands on the table in front of her. "This is serious."

"Just answer me."

"Because your birthday is in like a week but you're gonna be busy the entire week, so you suggested we go out today," she answered easily.

"Exactly. And that means I need two gifts before next Friday for my siblings, right?" she nodded, thinking of the other two people to complete the Evans triplets. "Well, I don't have anything yet, and I need someone to go with me to the mall later and get something."

"If you're hinting at me coming with you, I can't. Marketing is having a meeting today, and I know how long it takes for you to shop. Why don't you take Luke? It'll give you a chance to see if you should give the both of you another try," she suggested.

"Ha-ha, very funny. He's not even interested. Not gonna happen. Need I remind you how awkward it was when we met for the first time after the break up?" I laughed.

"Sure, go ahead. I've heard it a million times before, but I'd be happy to hear it again. Also, who said he wasn't interested?" she lifted her drink as I started to tell my story.

"Well, about six months ago, stupid Ryder decided that he and Mia didn't have enough popcorn for their movie date at our house, and he was too lazy to drive to the store to get some," I began. "He's lucky I love Mia, and that he finally found the guts to ask her out the day before because I would never go to Target half an hour before a meeting to get microwaveable popcorn, go back home then drive to the office."

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