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"Alex, time to go. I'm gonna be late," Sophie groaned, walking to my room with heavy feet. "Just because you can be late, doesn't mean I can too."

"Well I'm sorry that I have a date tonight and want to be ready now because I have to work," I sassed, rolling my eyes and getting up having just finished my makeup. "Just because you have a boyfriend already, doesn't mean I can slack on my looks."

Sophie was finally fed up with Collin not making a move, and she went for it herself. They became boyfriend and girlfriend after just two dates, and even if it seemed a little too quick for me, they both seemed very happy together, so I couldn't complain.

"Shut up, let's just go," my best friend grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. "It's time to go."

"Okay, geez," I huffed, grabbing my bag really quickly before walking out of the apartment with my best friend, locking the door behind me.

She stayed over at my place for the night because her neighbor was creeping her out, and she was more comfortable staying at my place than at her boyfriend's.

We drove to the office in her car so she wouldn't have to go back to my apartment to pick it up after work.

"Call me after your date tonight, don't forget," she reminded me before she walked out of the elevator, leaving me in there alone to go to my office.

"Schedule for the day please," I requested as I walked into my office with Janet.

She opened the planner in her hand and started to list down the things I had planned for the day. "11:30 contract deadline. You need to check the contracts drafted for the models and approve them. 1 pm meeting for the update on socials. 2:15 video conference with investors for the year-end report. 3:45 check on prototypes. 5 will be something in Miss Grace's office."

I nodded along as she spoke, but was confused by the last one. "Wait. I was supposed to be done by five. Why do I still have something at five?"

"Your mother requested it this morning," Janet clarified. "I can ask to reschedule, but no promises."

I shook my head. I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mother if I canceled on her. "I'll just fix my plans for tonight. Thanks, you can go."

She nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me in the silence.

My phone was by my ear, ringing a few seconds later with Luke's number in.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Luke, hi. Listen, about tonight..."

"You thought I actually answered, huh? Sorry, I can't answer right now. Leave me a message after the beep. Beep. That was the beep."

I groaned and ended the call, trying twice more, both attempts failing. He's probably busy. I'll just call again later.

The next long while was spent going through paperwork again, and I made sure to prioritize the contracts I had to check, so it would all be done already.

"Here for the contracts," Janet announced, walking into my office and going through the paperwork on my desk. "Got it. I suggest you have lunch now while you have some time. You're going to be really busy later."

"Yup," I nodded. "Just going to finish these last few then I'll have lunch. Thank you."

She gave me a smile and went out from where she came from, once again leaving me to be by myself.

As promised, I made my way to the cafeteria. It wasn't common for me to eat there. I liked to go out to eat because the food at the office was bland as can be, but because I didn't have much time on my hands, it would have to do.

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