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Thanksgiving came up rather quickly, and I couldn't be more thankful for how my life was going. I had an amazing job that I loved, my family was all happy, my sister was pregnant, and I was in a good spot with Luke. 

He wasn't pressuring me at all into a relationship, but we were getting extremely close. It became somewhat of a tradition that we spend Sundays together. I didn't know how it ended up that way, but it did.

I spent Thanksgiving day with my family, and it made me happy to see us all together. Julia and Troy joined us for dinner because Troy's family was back in Minnesota, and he said he was too busy with work to leave, so he'd just visit home for Christmas.

Julia also told Lexi, Jackson and I that come Christmas time, she'd be done with her first trimester so we'd be able to tell the whole family by then. I was so excited for there to be a little one in the family again.

Of course, Lexi would be able to see the priceless look on Ryder's face when he realized we knew and he didn't because she denied that job offer she got.

Similarly, Luke spent Thanksgiving with his family, finally getting more bonding time with both his siblings in the same place. By the end of the night, we were both too tired to talk, and opted for a good night text instead.

I woke up the next morning bright and early. I wasn't really into the Black Friday shopping. Honestly, I just woke up early because I had to get to all the Evans Corp. stores in Los Angeles and make sure things were going smoothly.

I was still trying to convince my mom to change the brand name to just Evans or even completely rebrand and actually use her name, Grace, instead.

People were already calling the brand Evans, totally dropping the "Corp." part because honestly, it really didn't stick.

She was still on the edge about her decision, and knowing her, she would ask the board for their opinions. And those old, greying people would take any opportunity to go against my ideas.

My phone started to ring as I made my way to the first store. Coincidentally, the stop light turned red, and I got to answer the call and put it on speakerphone. "Hey, it's Alex, what's up?"

"Hey, you up for Christmas shopping with me on Sunday? I need a second opinion," Luke's voice came up, and a smile made its way to my face. That was until I realized I couldn't.

"Sorry, I'm booked on Sunday," I apologized. "I totally forgot to tell you last time. I'm so sorry."

The line stayed silent, and I thought he ended the call already, but Luke spoke up again. "No worries, maybe some other time. What's on Sunday?"

"This Winter Charity Ball thing," I replied, starting to drive again when I saw the traffic light turn green. "My mom makes us all go every year because she likes bragging about us to her snobby rich friends. If I could decide, I'd rather go shopping with you."

"I can come over and keep you company while you get ready," Luke offered. "Only if you want me too."

"I wish you could, Luke," I sighed. "I have to get ready with all my sisters."

I could hear shuffling from his side of the call before he spoke again. If I knew his schedule well enough, he was just getting out of bed. It was eight thirty in the morning, and that was the time he prepared his breakfast on the weekends.

"No dates allowed for this one?" he assumed. And he was right with his assumption.

Can't use the 'that's my date' excuse to turn down guys if I had no date with me. I can use the fake 'I have a boyfriend' excuse though.

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