MeEqualsWormal Part 2

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TV:  *plays Scooby Doo*

The Bug (my baby brother):  *falls asleep*

Me:  *watches avidly*

TV:  *show ends*

Me:  *disappointed*

The Bug:  *still sleeping*

My thoughts:  He'll grow out of this show, then I'll have no excuse to watch it.

Me:  *whispers in Bugs ear*

Also me:  you will love Scooby Doo forever ever ever ever... forever ever ever ever...

My thoughts: Welp, that solves that problem!  Now what to do about my other... unique obsessions

Me:  *starts whispering more stuff in The Bugs ear*

Tell me you haven't done this. 

Oh, you haven't?  I'm alone then?


See ya in the comments!

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