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"How are we doing, Wanda?" Dean asked over the radio as he flew overhead and threw a blast of light into an incoming crowd.

"I don't know," Wanda spoke in a tense voice. "I don't know what's happening and I feel useless right now just standing here."

"You're not useless, Wanda. You're doing exactly what you need to be doing. Guarding Vision and the Mind Stone is the priority."

Wanda looked at Shuri, taking in how laser-focused the princess was as she continued to work. She then looked at Vision, who smiled encouragingly at her. She returned the smile, though hers was shaky. "I'm scared, Dean," she whispered.

The fear in Wanda's voice struck Dean and he immediately wished that he could be next to her, holding her hand through all of this. But he couldn't. Just as sure as she had her job, he also had his role to play in this. He and the others had to keep Thanos's troops at bay, no matter how much blood was shed.

Even knowing this, Dean felt fear too. But then he looked over at Thor, who was swinging the massive ax about, chopping enemies apart in thunderous slices. He saw the man he loved on the battlefield. The man he would spend the rest of his life with. In that instant, he felt no fear. Yet, he understood that he wasn't in the same position as Wanda. He wouldn't be asked to possibly end the life of the man he loved in order to save the universe from Thanos. Should Shuri fail to extract the Mind Stone, Wanda would have no choice but to destroy it herself. With such a a heavy burden looming over his friend, Dean knew there were no words he could say to ease her.

"Wanda," he finally said in a steady voice. "I'm with you. No matter what happens today, I'm with you. You won't go through this alone."

"I know, Dean," Wanda sighed. "I know."

"And listen- Thor is back and he's rocking the most bad ass weapon I've ever seen. We've got this."

Wanda smiled. The thought of Thor being on the battlefield certainly brought her some relief, in addition to making her happy for Dean. "Just be careful," she urged.

While Dean was offering aerial support alongside the other fliers, T'Challa and his several fellow warriors were in the midst contending with Cull Obsidian, who was swinging his retractable hammer about. The king leaped up into the air, his suit having been charged to overflowing with kinetic energy. He drove a fist into Cull Obsidian that staggered the colossal alien, causing him to fall flat to the ground.

Not far from this, Rocket had moved alongside Bucky and both of them were unleashing a barrage of gunfire, easily mowing through the incoming hordes.

"Good thing they're so freaking stupid!" Rocket remarked as he got off several impressive head shots that sent the creature tumbling to the ground.

Bucky was in the middle of responding when several of the incoming creatures began to circle around in hopes of surrounding the two of them. Bucky grinned and snatched Rocket up by the arm before quickly spinning around, firing his gun wildly. Rocket took the hint and began to fire as well and soon they were surrounded by the smoking corpses of their enemies.

"That gun- how much for it?" Rocket asked. Though in the midst of a raging fight, the opportunist in him was always active.

Bucky shook his head and began sniping more creatures in the distance. "It's not for sale."

Rocket then set his sights on the arm. "What about that arm of yours?"

"It's not for sale either."

Rocket shook his head and grinned. "Why not? It's not like you can't function with just one. I'll split the profit with you. 30-70. 40-60?"

Bucky shook his head and walked off, leaving Rocket behind.

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