What More Could I Lose?

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The pod was small and cramped, but Thor didn't care. He would soon be in the presence of Eitri, king of the dwarves and the craftsman responsible for Mjolnir, among many other weapons of immense power. All that mattered was obtaining that weapon and killing Thanos before he could do further harm. He sat in solitude near the window and stared out into the cosmos. The light of distant, twinkling stars reminded him of Dean. He was still alive. Frigga had told him so. That knowledge was enough.

He sat in silence, he tried to console himself with cherished memories rather than his fears. He closed his eyes and suddenly he was standing outside with Dean on his arm. The season was winter and the entire Allen family had gathered at Dean's parents' house for Thanksgiving.

"I hope this won't be too overwhelming," Dean had said as they walked up the driveway to the house. Every light was on and the sounds of muffled voices and laughter spilled out onto the lawn.

Thor stopped walking and pulled Dean close to him. He smiled as Dean shivered. He wrapped his arms around him and Dean promptly tucked in against his chest. "Dean, I'm happy to be here with you. Besides, I never turn away from a feast."

"Well, brace yourself because my family always goes way overboard with food. I think even your appetite won't be a match for it."

"A worthy challenge," Thor had chuckled.

"My family loves you, you know that?"

Thor had grinned and leaned down to press his forehead against Dean's. "Of course they do. How could they not?" he'd replied with a playful tone.

"But not as much as I love you," Dean had said.

"And I love you," Thor said before escorting him into the house.

Before the feast was served, Dean's family began the very lengthy process of each member saying what he or she was thankful for. As each member spoke, Thor held Dean's hand under the table.

"Life is not predictable for me," Dean had said when it was his turn to stand and speak. "But I know that no matter where my life takes me, I have this family. And I'm very thankful for that." He looked over at Thor and smiled. "And I'm very thankful for you, Thor. A man who sees and loves me for who I am and doesn't ask me to change."

"I am thankful that you have all welcomed me into your lives," Thor said. "And I'm thankful for Dean, who saw worth in me when I didn't see it. I'm thankful for your courage and strength. I'm thankful for your love."

There had been many turkeys for the family to feast on, and Thor had been given the honor of carving alongside Jack Allen. Though the others in the family didn't necessarily see the significance of this, it had warmed Thor to his core knowing that the patriarch of the family saw him fit to do this.

"I am thankful for you, Jack," Thor said as he stood beside Dean's father and helped serve everyone generous portions of turkey. "For accepting me into your family."

Jack turned to Thor and grinned up at him. "And I'm thankful you're a part of it. A part of my son's life."

Dean looked over at them from his place at the table and smiled as he'd watched Thor. Even though they were in a house full to bursting with people, when their eyes met it was like they were the only ones.

"I am Groot," Groot muttered irritably, rousing Thor from his memories.

Rocket looked over at him. "Then go in the cup. We're not looking. What's there to see? What's a twig? Everybody's seen a twig."

Groot folded his arms over his chest. "I am Groot!"

Thor looked over at the tree-being. "Tree, pour what's in the cup out in space and go in the cup again," he said in a detached voice.

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