We Fight

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Before leaving Shuri's lab, Dean had watched as Wanda stood beside Vision's prone body, her hand in his. The expression on her face was one of hope that was at war with dread but the emotions that resonated within her told a more conflicted tale. Dean decided it wasn't dissimilar to his own inner turmoil. He'd made sure to hug her tightly before he left.

"Wanda, be strong," he's whispered into her hair as he embraced her. "I love you."

Together with the others, he'd traveled across the vast field beyond the city on speedy land carriers- rocket-powered platforms that reminded him of something out of a Star Wars film. He looked to the left, watching as Bruce ran alongside them in the gigantic suit of armor that had, ironically, been created to defeat the Hulk if needed.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked from beside him.

Bruce leaped along, managing to keep up with the carriers. "I'm getting the hang of it," he reported in. "It's kind of like being the Hulk without all the berserker rage," he said in what could only be described as a blissful tone. Then he made a misstep and stumbled over a large rock. Righting himself, he resumed his flight. "Just takes some getting used to," he called out.

The carriers approached a large collection of warriors and came to a perfect halt. Dean jumped into the air and flew down to join the front line with Natasha and Steve on either side of him. Bucky stood beside Steve, an assault rifle in his hands. One his other side Ben, Sue and Johnny stood ready. Lockjaw trotted over and stood with them, much to the amusement of the gathered troops who'd not yet learned of Lockjaw's abilities.

The Jabari warriors stood among the Wakandans and their leader, who T'Challa had identified as M'Baku, was rallying them with an aggressive war chanty. Dean watched as T'Challa approached the bulky tribe leader and shook his hand.

"There are three heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Okoye reported.

Steve looked at Natasha and Dean who followed him and T'Challa as they broke away from the warriors and ventured toward the barrier. As they moved in, Dean spotted three of the Black Order on the other side. Proxima Midnight flanked by Cull Obsidian and Fatality Eclipse, stared at them with murderous eyes as she nonchalantly dragged her spear across the barrier, testing its strength.

"Where's your other friend?" Natasha asked with a sly smile when she noticed that Corvus Glaive was absent.

"Where's your other friend?" Natasha asked with a sly smile when she noticed that Corvus Glaive was absent

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Proxima Midnight gritted her teeth and tilted her head as she fixed a vengeful glare upon her. "You will pay for his life with yours," she threatened.

"If we had a dollar for every time someone threatened our lives, how rich would we be, Dean?" Natasha asked.

"So rich," Dean said with a slight smile.

Fatality Eclipse stepped closer, his whip held at his side. From beneath the hood, he glared at Dean. "Before this day is done, I'll claim your life, your majesty."

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