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A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll see at last. to feel that love, it makes you sigh, To have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, 'cause you love and care the one you chose. - Rob Cella

I hummed along to the music playing in the elevator with a box of pastries in my hands. Riding up the executive elevator was getting a little bit lonesome, it has its benefits of getting to the top faster but I enjoy talking to people even if the ride was a couple of minutes. I made a mental note to self that the next time I visit Aiden, I'll be taking the regular elevator like everyone else. The elevator sounded and the door opened, arriving at Aiden's floor. I stepped out of the elevator and found Nancy smiling at me already. A big bright smile spread across my face as I approached her and placed the box of pastries on her desk.

"Rose! It's been awhile since I've seen you!" Nancy exclaimed, getting up from her seat and hugged me.

"Yes I know things have been crazy at the bakery." I replied. "I've brought some goodies for everyone." I nudged the box of pastries towards her and she gave me a smoldering look.

"You are going to be the death of me Rose, your pastries are to die for! I'm so going to gain weight if you keep spoiling me like this."

"You're perfect Nancy don't worry." I smiled before looking over at Aiden's closed office doors. "Is he in there or in a meeting?"

"He's here but he has a guest with him." Nancy informed. "Ms. Clair is in there with her."

I arched an eyebrow, why was I even surprised that Hailey was in there with him? They were best friends and Hailey worked with Aiden anyways. I nodded, deciding it was best to leave them be. They might be talking about business or something like that I would really hate it if I interrupted them.

"Oh I see," I replied.

"Do you want me to page him?" I shook my head.

"No it's okay, just tell him I came by and don't worry about it." We said our goodbyes and I headed back towards the elevators. I stood in front of the executive elevators and pouted, I might as well take the non-executive elevator now that I thought about it. The silences of being in it bothered me and the executive elevator itself was massive.

"Hey Nancy," I called out and she looked up from her desk with an arched eyebrow. "Where is the elevator that normal people use?"

"Turn to your left and walk down the hall, go through the pair of doors and it should be there." She instructed, knowing that it was probably her route to get to work. I thanked her and made my way over towards the way she directed me.

I pushed the button and waited in front of the silver steeled doors. The wait for the elevator was definitely longer than the executives where the doors open as soon as the button is pushed. I waited patiently for it to arrive and when it did, I stepped inside. Since I was on the top floor, I was still by myself but as I descended, people started filing in nearly every floor. I was beginning to get pushed to the back of the elevator, getting squished by people in suits. They had phones pressed against their ears, coffee mugs in their hands, and documents tucked under their hands. I smiled to myself, listening to the daily lives of people. It may not be the most comfortable, but it was better than standing in the middle of a large elevator by myself. This is what an elevator should be like in a busy company and all of these people were working hard for Aiden.  The elevator stopped on yet another floor, letting people in and out before descending down the building. When the elevator stopped on the next floor, nearly half the people in the elevator stepped out.

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