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Love is like a rose. It looks beautiful on the outside...but there is always pain hidden somewhere.- Anatole France quote.

"You better have a good reason as to why you're lying on the hood of your car." I heard Aiden's voice and I couldn't get myself to open my eyes to look at him. But I could feel his presence in front of me and I was tired, the alcohol has finally settled in my system and all I want to do now is sleep.

"I was tired." I told him, snuggling my arms closer to my body. I was getting cold and I was trying to trap as much heat as I could.

"Why didn't you wait inside your car?"

"I gave Larry my keys, he's scared that I would drive off in this condition."


"The owner of the pub." I pointed to the pub and cranked opened my eyes. "He's a family friend of mine." I explained.

"Come on," I saw his hand reaching out in front of me. "I'll get you home."

"No." I sat up and shook my head. "I have nowhere to go."

"Why don't you have anywhere to go?" He asked.

"If I go back to my apartment, Mia will ask questions as to why I'm not at my parents since we have a tradition to sleep there every month. But I can't go back to my parents and I can't go to Lily's."

"Why can't you go to your parents or Lily's?"

"We..." I started to cry just thinking about what happened earlier. I buried my face into my hands and continued to cry. I couldn't mutter out the words because a big lump lounged into my throat. My heart was aching just thinking about my family crumbling down, my body was shaking and I couldn't stop myself from the negativity.

Without a word I found myself pressed against Aiden's chest with his arms wrapped around me. I buried my face into his chest and grabbed onto his sweater. I know I probably look very pathetic right now, I know that I should be ashamed to rely on something I barely know but I don't care. Right now I just want to be with someone and I didn't care who it was, but I'm thankful that it's Aiden because I felt safe being in Aiden's arms and his scent was soothing. I felt his hand stroking the back of my head but he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything about me soaking his sweater with my tears nor did he tell me that everything's going to be okay. He just stood in front of me while I sat on the hood of my car wrapped in his arms. From the simple gesture of me being held and the rhythm of his heart beat was enough to make me feel better than any words could.

I knew I cried for a long time...okay not really. I'm drunk and I have no sense of time whatsoever. But I could only assume I cried a lot from the huge dam spot on Aiden's sweater. I gently pushed him away and wiped away the lingering tears with the sleeves of my jacket. The alcohol still had full effects on me but it was enough to make me forget about my life temporarily but not enough for it to make me forget everything. I closed my heavy eyes and they refused to open. Having alcohol in my system and crying took a toll in them and I'm as exhausted as they are. I found my collapsing into his chest again and I had no energy to keep myself up anymore.

"Rose." He said softly with his arms keeping me in place. I didn't even have the energy to reply to him, I nuzzled my face into his chest and just before I fell right into my nice slumber, I felt the arms around me tighten and soft, warm lips pressed on top of my head.


A soft fluffy cloud...That's what I'm sleeping on right now. I felt softness all around me, beneath me, around me, and on top of me...yes this is amazing. I inhaled the scent of freshly washed bedding around me and I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was seeping through the curtains and I wished that it was still dark outside so that I could continue to sleep. The sun...who knew the sun could be my worst enemy right now? Wait what? The sun? If the sun is out that means I should be at my bakery right now... Shit!

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