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I will soothe you and heal you. I will bring you roses. I too have been covered with thorns. - Rumi

I might as well get everything over all at once. I rather feel all the pain at once then let myself heal a little and then get hurt again. Besides nothing can hurt me as much as Aiden. For the first time in my life, I felt like nothing else mattered. The only thing that mattered to me right now is to find out the truth. I called Rex an hour later once I knew I've stopped my tears and calmed down to handle another rocket being launched at me. Heck, what the hell am I saying? Of course I'm not ready to handle another hearing anything else, but I knew myself. I knew if I didn't get this over and done with right now, I'm going to hide and the only thing I'll achieve is a broken heart. My heart is already broken and I know it won't break anymore than it already is so I'm going to at least get answers.

I was sitting in my car, parked near the outskirt of the city. I needed privacy to talk to Rex and I didn't know where else to go. Plus I didn't want to risk the chance of having the media find out if we were to talk in a public place with eyes and ears everywhere. And I just so happened to have driven here to cool my head after Aiden. I wasn't going to drive back to talk to Rex, so I called him to come to me. The sky has fallen and the stars were starting to appear.

I didn't know how long I was waiting for Rex to come and to be honest it didn't matter how long it took. I felt numb, cold, and emotionless. When Eric and I broke up, at least I felt hurt and pain that I couldn't even breathe from what happened. I still felt like I could live without Eric in my life and that was it, I was alive and possess human emotions. But now, I went beyond hurting, I went beyond the tear limit I didn't even know I had, and mainly I felt empty. I felt like I wasn't Rose Starr anymore, I can't bring myself to smile or tell myself that it's okay. I can't hide my own emotions from others to tell them that I am okay. My mind was blank, my eyes were heavy and probably puffy, and I really wish I could just hide forever...erasing Rose Starr off the face of the earth.

This is pathetic. I am so pathetic! I slammed my hands against my steering wheel, ignoring the throbbing pain that jolted through my hands. I rested my head against the steering wheel, staring at my laps and I want to cry my heart out but my tears dried up a long time ago and I can't even squeeze a drop out. Suddenly I heard a car coming towards me and the inside of my car lit up from the headlights of the other car. I sat up straight and even in the dark I could see that it was Rex's Maserati parked behind me. I sat in my seat for a few more moments until I saw Rex climbing out of his car, I took this as my cue to get out as well. I flung the door to my car open, slamming it shut behind me and Rex walked over towards me.

"You better have a good reason to call me out in the middle of nowhere Lily." He started.

"I'm not Lily." I muttered. "I'm Rose, Rose Starr!" I watched his expression and his expression was just like Aiden's. He wasn't surprised at my confession and he even dare to smirk.

"Yeah, I know." He casually replied and he leaned against my car with his arms folded across his chest. I wasn't surprised either, nothing can surprise me anymore but I felt anger. I have never felt so much anger or rage in my life before, I was angry at Rex for being so casual about this!

"And did you have fun?" I hissed. "Did you have fun playing with me?!"

"From the way you're acting, I assume you already talked to Kingsley?" He asked but I ignored him. He isn't allowed to ask the questions when I want the answers. "Well it looks like the game's over."

"Both of you are sick bastards." I clenched my teeth together, I wanted to punch him across the face or do something to vent out my anger!

"Hey, hey" He raised his hands up to mock a surrender before folding them back across his chest again. "Don't be so quick to judge me when I wasn't the one who decided to turn it into a game." I only thought about punching him, but I never thought I'll actually get violent and hurt someone. I found myself lounging forward towards Rex as I punched him across his face.

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