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Flowers are happy things. - P. G. Wodehouse

"Hey Lily," I swung the bedroom door to my identical twin sister's room wide open. "Don't you have a Vogue photo shoot to attend to in two hours? Mom told me to wake you up before it got too late." My sister grumbled under her comforter and continued to snooze in her bed. "Lily..." I cautiously spoke again after I knew she has no intention of waking up. "It's time to get up."

"Just leave me for a moment!" She yelled.

I bit the bottom of my lips and sighed quietly to myself when I saw my sister snoozing again. This isn't the first time I've woken my sister up obviously, but my sister was never a happy camper when someone is waking her up before her alarm clock goes off. Maybe this is why Mom always gave me the dirty job to do, but I never complained about it because when I needed to get things done, I will get it done even if I was told to do it.

"Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes." I said quietly.

"Get out!" Lily let out a frustrating grunt and pilled her comforter over her head. I slowly shut the door behind me when I turned my heels to head back downstairs. Unlike me, Lily clearly wasn't a morning person.

This is the normal relationship I have with my sister and yes, I did just say normal. I've watched movies, dramas, and read plenty of books with twins in it and I've always been envious of their relationship because of how close they are. Or for a matter of fact, the relationship of any child with close siblings. Yes I know it's fictional but I've had friends with siblings and they're each other's best friends. I don't think I can say the same for my sister and I and that's something I wished I had.

A close relationship with Lily.

There aren't many things I wish for in life, I mean I have a loving family where my Mom and Dad are still very much in love with each other. I love my sister even if we don't have a close relationship. We live in a beautiful home and have an above average family income than most out there. I have my best friend, Mia, I have an education and a very stable career. Simply put, there's nothing else I want than to have my sister love me as much as I love her.

The moments where we would stay up the entire night gossiping away on something. Talking about our first kiss, our first date, or our first love. To be able to talk and comfort each other during difficult time and heartbreak. To be able to say I hate you and have a huge fight but deep down we love each other. I've never experienced any of these moments in all twenty five years of my life.

There always seems to be an invisible wall in between us and we've never really had the sisterly bond. Lily was the more talented one and the one that deserved all the praises. She had more confidence and ambition that I could ever have. At a very young age, Lily has set a goal to be well known and famous and she successfully achieved it. She's a super model and currently in the works of starting her own clothing line. I on the other hand am a baker and I own a very busy bakery and I love my job. I never had any crazy teenager dreams like becoming a singer, an actress, or a model like my sister had. I had realistic dreams like becoming a baker or a doctor and even if my salary isn't nearly as close to Lily's, I'm happy.

Lily has always been the popular twin and I was always the shadow. Lily is older than me by twenty four minutes but the love Lily receives isn't based on who came first. One word that describes Lily like a glove is, stunning. I know it sounds funny since I can technically say that I'm stunning as well since we are identical twins but Lily has always been shining and glowed more than I did. Mainly the difference between us is the confidences. Lily's confidence was soaring through the air while I was still struggling to take off. And because of that confidence, Lily shined through. She's independent, strong, and clearly doesn't take any shit from anyone. I would like to think that I'm strong and independent as well but I'm always a people pleaser and I would help anyone even if there's nothing to gain for me.

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