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The Rose is without an explanation; She blooms, because She blooms. - Angelus Silesius

Kingsley's Enterprise is as intimidating as ever, it might be even more intimidating than the first time I've been here. I believe the main reason is because I kind of pissed off the owner of the building and maybe that's why I'm so afraid. What right did I have to come here anyways? I shook my head clear, Rose Starr, you are here for business. I am delivering something for client and that's what I'm going to do.

When Mia and Michelle came back to the bakery just an hour ago, I had just finished baking the patch of cupcakes that Hailey wanted. I tried to con Michelle or Mia to do the delivery but I failed miserably when they realized who it was for. I sighed, it's going to be that bad right or am I being delusional? I mean I can just drop it off at the front desk like last time and then scurry off. Besides this isn't from me, it's from Hailey anyways. I took a deep breath and pushed my way through the revolving doors.

I'm still amazed at the building and it made me feel smaller than I already feel. I ignored everything and headed straight to the front desk. The same woman was behind the desk the last time I came and it seemed like she recognized me. I placed the bakery box on top of the counter and slid it across to her.

"Hello Miss Starr," She greeted me. "You can just head straight up to Mr. Kingsley's office." I shook my head.

"I'm not here to see him or anything." I told her, "I'm just here to deliver this for my client." She pushed the box back towards me.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to take this Miss Starr, please head upstairs." She gestured her hand towards the elevator. "I can get our security to escort you up." I waved my hands in front of me and shook my head.

"Oh no, really that's not necessary. I really need to go after I deliver this."

"It's Mr. Kingsley's orders Miss Starr." She continued, "He informed everyone in the building that you are to be sent up there for whatever reason since the last time you came."

"Really...I can't." I stared at the woman and she gave me a look that was screaming help. When people pull faces off like this, this is what gets me and I can't just turn a blind eye on it. There was only one reason that I would know of that this woman is asking for help...what Hailey told me earlier about Aiden's behaviour lately.

"If Mr. Kingsley finds out you've been here without him knowing, it'll put me in a very difficult position." I bit the bottom of my lips and the eyes she was giving me...it was getting me...Oh! It got me!

"You know I believe the roles should be reversed like last time." I sighed, "I think I prefer to be on the begging side." She smiled but she looked relieved.

"Would you need me to get you an escort?" I shook my head. How hard is it to get to someone's office anyways?

"No, what floor is he on?" I asked.

"Just speak to Matt over there," She pointed to the security guard in his position, "He should already know who you are so he should be able to help you." She replied and I thanked her before I made my way to Matt with the box of cupcakes in hand.

"Good afternoon Miss Starr," Matt greeted me when he saw me approaching. He was a tall black man, his security uniform was neatly ironed and he was a very built man. I greeted him back and he overrides the security to let me through.

He led me towards the executive elevator which led me straight up to Aiden's office. Once I was inside the steel box and accelerating up the skyscraper, my nerves were getting to me. I felt the palms of my hands getting sweaty as I gripped the box in my hands. Would he still be angry at me? Would there be that awkward silence between us or a wall that would make us uncomfortable with each other? I guess I should just go in, tell him what I was here for and I will immediate run for my life.

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