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“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” ― Antoine de Saint-ExupéryThe Little Prince

The sun seeped through my eyelids and I realized that it was already morning. The air smelled like sickness and the smell of disinfectant filled my nose. I wrenched my eyes opened and everywhere around me was white. I knew immediately that I was in the hospital. I looked around and there was an intravenous set attached to my arm and my heart stopped when I saw Aiden standing by the windows. He had his phone pressed against his ear and one of his hands was on his hips. He was still in a pair of black dress pants and he had tossed aside his jacket, revealing his white dress shirt. The sleeves to his shirt were rolled up his arms.

Throughout the night, I felt myself falling in and out of sleep but I was too tired to open my eyes. I heard voices talking, a male and a female...to be exact...I knew from the voices that it was Aiden and Mia. I scanned the rest of the room and I realized that I was in a private hospital room and Mia was nowhere to be seen. My eyes wandered back onto Aiden, thankfully I was looking at his back but I still can't get the pain out of my chest.

I knew I had fainted from...from what and for how long? The last thing I remembered was being in pain because my heart felt like it was suffocating. I supposes having lack of sleep also contributed in my fainting but still, I can't believe I am in the same room as Aiden Kingsley after six months. I really hope I didn't pass out for more than twenty four hours because I have a lot of things I still need to do. The pain in my chest wasn't terrible to bear with compared to yesterday (hopefully). It ached of course but it wasn't to the point where I couldn't breathe...in fact the longer I stared at Aiden, the pain seemed to lessen.

But I didn't want to see or talk to him...at least not right now. It's been six months for crying out loud, if it's not now when will I talk to him?! I know I wouldn't just show up at his office all of a sudden to talk!  I never hated Aiden for what he's done...angry...yes but not to the point of hating. Hating someone takes so much energy and it's not even worth it. But Aiden has hurt, disappointed, and played me for a fool. I could roll over and pretend to fall asleep, but from the looks of it, it seemed like he's been here with me the entire time. So what makes me think that he'll leave anytime soon? I might as well just deal with it like a grown woman.

I slowly pushed myself up and my head started to feel heavy. It wanted to rest against the pillow but I knew I had to get my body moving. The movement I was causing caught Aiden's attention and he turned to look at me.

"I don't care what you do," Aiden spoke to the person on the phone. "Just get it done." He added before he shoved the phone into his pockets without a single bye for the other person. He walked over towards me but kept his distance when he was near my bed. Neither of us said anything and the tension between us was thick.

"Rose," He started. Just hearing his voice was enough for me, it felt like it was enough for me to forgive him...but at the same time it was so painful. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." I told him. "Where's Mia?"

"I sent her home."

"Why? Mia should have stayed here, I really don't want to inconvenience you Mr. Kingsley." He winched. I could tell that addressing him formally still irritated him but I don't think we're at the point where I could just call him by his first name.

"She mentioned something about an order that needs to be done so I told her I'll stay here."

"What's the day today and what time is it?" I asked.

"It's Sunday, just past noon." Noon?! Did he just say noon?! I've been passed out for eighteen hours! I have to get back because I still need to do a wedding cake for tomorrow.

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