More Training

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The outfit for the rest of HTTYD 1 is the one from the last chapter.

~Scene cuts to the Meade Hall~

Gobber: "Alright. Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?" Astrid: "I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble." Ruffnut: *Sarcastically* "Yeah, we noticed." Snotlout: "No, no, you were great. That was so "Astrid"." Gobber: "She's right, you have to be tough on yourselves. Where did Y/n go wrong?" Astrid: "She's too compassionate to the beasts?" Snotlout: "She let herself fall behind to help Hiccup." Tuffnut: "She won't date anyone!" Gobber: "What does dating have to do with dragons! Astrid, you're correct. Snotlout. Vikings protect each other. Where did Hiccup go wrong?" Ruffnut: "Uh, he showed up?" Tuffnut: "He didn't get eaten." Astrid: "He's never where he should be." Gobber: "Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. The Dragon Manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Thunder roars. Gobber: "No attacks tonight. Study up." Tuffnut: "Wait, you mean, read?" Ruffnut: "While we're still alive?" Snotlout: "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?" Fishlegs: "Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And--And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week--" Tuffnut: "Yeah, that sounds great. See, there was a chance I was going to read that..." Ruffnut: "...But, now..." Snotlout: "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff." Fishlegs: "Oh, and there's this other one that has these spines that look like trees..." Y/n: "Tuffnut~" Tuffnut: "Hmm?" Y/n: "Would you read it with me?" Tuffnut: "Umm-" Y/n: "I've already read it and edited a few things." Hiccup: "So, I guess we'll share?" Astrid: "Read it." The teens leave Hiccup and Y/n alone in the hall. Hiccup: "All mine then. Wow, okay. So, I'll see you, uh... [Door slams] tomorrow." Y/n: "I'll stay with you." He flips open the book, reading its contents. Hiccup: "Dragon classifications. Strike Class, Fear Class, Mystery Class." Y/n: "Huh?" Hiccup: "Thunderdrum: This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight. Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight. Scauldron: Sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous. Changewing: Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight. Gronckle, Zippleback, The Skrill, Boneknapper, Whispering Death. Burns its victims, buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside-out. Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight, kill on sight, kill on sight... [flips to the Night Fury page. No picture or information is shown on the page.] Night Fury: Speed, unknown. Size, unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you."

~Several longships gliding through fog~

Stoick: "I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady. Take us in." Viking: "Hard to port... for Helheim's gate." The boats disappear in the fog. A sudden jumpscare shows dragons attacking.

~The Arena, in the middle of a training session~

Hiccup: "You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?" A Nadder fires at him. Hiccup: "WHOA!" Y/n runs in front of him taking the blow to her new armor made of Junos' scales. Astrid: "Y/n!" Y/n: "Man these scales are awesome!" Gobber: "Is that new armor?" Y/n: "Yep." Gobber: "Focus, Hiccup! You're not even trying! Today is all about ATTACK! Nadders are quick and light on their feet! Your job is to be quicker and lighter!" Fishlegs: "AAAAAH! I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Gobber: "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!" Ruffnut: "Ugh! Do you ever bathe?" Tuffnut: "If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot!" Ruffnut: "How about I give you one?!" The Nadder attacks the twins. Gobber: "Blindspot, yes. Deaf spot? Not so much. Heh, heh, heh." Hiccup: "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" Gobber: "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. *Snapping* NOW, GET IN THERE!" Hiccup: "I know, I know, but hypothetically--" Astrid: *Whispering* "Hiccup! Get down!" Snotlout: "Watch out, babe. I'll take care of this." *tosses hammer at Nadder, but misses* Astrid: "Hey!" Snotlout: "The sun was in my eyes, Astrid! What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that, but I don't have time right now!" Hiccup: "They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?" Y/n snorts. Gobber: "Hiccup!" The walls start toppling as Astrid starts leaping from wall to wall, the Nadder behind her. Astrid jumps off the last collapsing wall, right onto Hiccup. Astrid: "HICCUP!" Tuffnut: "Oooh! Love on the battlefield!" Ruffnut: "She could do better." Fishlegs: "Drama. Two sisters pinning after the same guy." Hiccup: "Just... let me... why don't you..." Astrid yanks the ax off Hiccup's shield and swings it at the Nadder. Gobber: "Well done, Astrid." Astrid: [to Hiccup] "Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." Y/n: "I don't wanna be here."

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