Getting our dragons Back

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~At Berk~

The Alpha arrives, taking control of every dragon on Berk. Gothi's Terrible Terrors are mind-controlled and wake her up as they fly away. She looks outside and is startled to see the Bewilderbeast. Starkard: "Ah, that's a good boy." Starkard's Gronckle gets hypnotized. Starkard: "Watch the furniture! Where are you going?" Female Viking: "Come back here!" The combined masses of Berk's dragons, the Sanctuary dragons, and Drago's armored dragons merge into a single massive swarm as the Bewilderbeast climbs onto the island with Drago on his head. Drago: "Your chief is dead." Viking: "Stoick?" Female Viking: "S'not possible." Drago: "No one can protect you now." The Bewilderbeast freezes Berk. Morning arrives and Hiccup and the riders reach Berk. The hypnotized dragons fly in circles above the Bewilderbeast, which has destroyed much of Berk and is encased in spikes of ice. Hiccup: "No..." Fishlegs: "He took all the dragons!" Hiccup: "Distract the Alpha. Try to keep his focus off of Toothless." Y/n: 'Hey, buddy.' Y/n gets ignored. Tuffnut: "Uh... how?" Eret: "Have you forgotten who you're riding with? There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle!" Snotlout: "Amateur." Viking: "Look, it's Hiccup!" Drago: "What?" As Hiccup sneaks toward Toothless on a Scuttleclaw, the Teens and Eret throw sheep in front of the Alpha. Ruffnut: "Keep 'em coming!" Snotlout: "Black Sheep, baby!" The Alpha is about to fire. Fishlegs blows a horn, and the Black Sheep lands on the Alpha's face. Annoyed, the Alpha blows the sheep away. Snotlout: "Ten points! Uh-oh..." Fishlegs blows the horn again and giggles. The Alpha destroys the horn with a blast of ice. Fishlegs: "I'm okay!" Hiccup is close to the hypnotized Toothless, ridden by Drago. Drago mocks Hiccup as he tries to reunite with his friend. Drago: "You certainly are hard to get rid of. I'll say that." Hiccup: "Toothless? It's me, bud. It's me. I'm right here. Come back to me." Toothless still has a blank-eyed look on his face, but already we see his pupils widen for a second and he visibly begins to show signs of resistance. Drago: "He is not yours anymore. He belongs to the Alpha! But, please, oh great Dragon Master, try to take him. He will not miss a second time." Hiccup: "It wasn't your fault, bud. They made you do it. You'd never hurt him. You'd never hurt me!" Hiccup puts his hand on Toothless's snout. His eyes widen and narrow as he mentally struggles against the Alpha. Drago: "How are you doing that?" Hiccup: "Please. You are my best friend, bud." Toothless appears to almost break free, but the Alpha concentrates harder and Toothless's eyes narrow again. Hiccup: "My best friend." Toothless breaks from the Alpha's control. His eyes widen and he smiles at Hiccup, whimpering happily. Hiccup: "Atta boy, that's it! I'm here!" Drago: "Enough!" Drago hits Toothless with his bullhook, but Toothless grabs the hook and yanks him off. Hiccup: "Yeah!" Toothless tips over and falls. Hiccup jumps after him. Hiccup: "Hang on! Almost there buddy. Almost there!" Hiccup reaches him. He mounts Toothless and the two take to the air. Drago: "Do something!" Hiccup: "We need to get those two apart." Hiccup rips fabric from a flag. They dodge the Alpha's ice blast. Hiccup: "We gotta block him out, Toothless. Do you trust me, bud?" Toothless replies. Hiccup blindfolds Toothless. Hiccup: "We can do this. You and me. As one. That's it. Now let's try this one more time!" Astrid: "Take him down, babe!" Viking: "Go, Hiccup!" Valka: "Go get 'em." Drago: "Take control of it!" The Alpha tries to hypnotize the blindfolded Toothless but fails. Hiccup covers Toothless' ears. Hiccup: "Shut it out, Toothless!" Drago: "STOP THEM!" Hiccup: "NOW!" Hiccup locks Toothless' tail. Toothless passes him. Drago: "Ha-ha-ha." (Gasps) Toothless is flying upside-down, his blind-fold falling away, and without Hiccup in his saddle. Hiccup, gliding on his flight suit, flies past and surrounds Drago with Zippleback gas and lights it. Drago falls off the Alpha, his bull hook landing just out of reach. Hiccup uncontrollably glides towards the Alpha's tail almost colliding with it. Hiccup: "Not again. TOOTHLESS! IT'S NOW OR NEVER! Come on, bud!" Toothless uses his split tail fins to speed up and catch Hiccup before he can hit the Alpha's tail. Hiccup: "Hold on!" They narrowly miss crashing into the tail. Hiccup: "Yeah! We did it!" Hiccup swoops down on Drago, who is on the ground. He stops Drago from grabbing his bullhook by throwing Inferno. Drago: "Agghh!" Hiccup: "Hold him there Toothless! It's all over now." The Alpha rises up behind Hiccup. Drago: "Or is it?" Hiccup: "Oh, no!" The Alpha breathes ice at Hiccup, but Toothless dives in. Both are frozen solid, to Valka, Y/n,  and Astrid's horror. Valka: "No! No..." Valka tries to break the ice. Then, the ice starts to glow. Valka: "Hiccup." The ice breaks in an explosion and both Toothless and Hiccup are revealed to be alive and well. Toothless is very angry and his back fins are glowing electric blue. Toothless roars a challenge at the Alpha, briefly looking back to Hiccup to reassure him. Hiccup: "He's challenging the Alpha!" Valka: "To protect you." Toothless fires at the Alpha, whose tusks smash the icicle Toothless was perching on, but Toothless jumps back and fires again. The Alpha loses concentration and control of the other dragons, with Stormfly being the first dragon to be freed from control. Toothless tells them to come and fight. Drago: "No, no, no, no! No! Fight back! Fight! FIGHT! What's the matter with you?" All the dragons, from Berk, the Sanctuary, and even Drago's own armored dragons, fly over to Toothless' side. Hiccup: "Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty. Let this end now." Drago: "Never! Calm Down!" Toothless directs all the dragons to open fire on Drago's Bewilderbeast. The Alpha is pummeled by a huge bombardment of dragon fire. Drago: "FIGHT!" Drago loses his prosthetic arm to an armored dragon's fireball. The Alpha, having been struck hundreds of times, is very angry and roars at Toothless. Toothless fires one more shot right at the Bewilderbeast's face, breaking off one of his tusks. The severed tusk crashes to the ground as the Bewilderbeast roars in pain. Toothless aggressively roars in triumph, and the terrified Bewilderbeast bows in fear of him. Hiccup: "The Alpha protects them all." The Bewilderbeast leaves, plunging into the sea with Drago still on his back, and the Vikings cheer. The dragons, including Cloudjumper (who appears very proud of his Night Fury friend), bow to Toothless, the new Alpha. Toothless smugly soaks up the attention and roars in victory, and the dragons join in. Hiccup: "You never cease to amaze me, bud. Thank you." Toothless licks him. Hiccup: "Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out." The dragons come back to their riders. Hoark: "I knew you'd come back." Viking: "Love you, too." Gothi's Terrible Terrors cover her. Astrid: "Stormfly!" Gobber: "Oh, give me a cuddle, Grumpy!" Fishlegs: "Who's my little princess?" Ruffnut holds her arms out to Fishlegs and Snotlout, but they run past her. Snotlout: "Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang!" Fishlegs: "Oh, you are. Yes, you are. I missed you so much!" Ruffnut: "Oh, Barf!" Ruffnut hugs Barf. Ruffnut:[To Belch] "Not you." Tuffnut hugs Belch. Eret: "That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper. " Hiccup: "Y'know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now." Eret: "Me?" Hiccups nods. Eret: "I'd be honored." Valka: "Your father... he'd be every bit as proud as I am." Hiccup: "Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, mom." ???: "Astrid." Astrid: "Alex..." ???: "You never said you had a boyfriend!" Valka: "And here I'll stay." Astrid: "See? I told you it was in here." Opens Hiccup's gliding suit fin. Hiccup: "Ha, ha. Still doing that one? That's hilarious. Oh and your affair partner Alex is over there." Gothi taps Hiccup's shoulder and gestured for him to kneel. She uses coal to draw the Chief symbol on Hiccup's forehead. Gobber: "The Chief has come home!" Vikings: "Long live Chief Hiccup! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief!" The dragon's fire into the sky. A Terrible Terror tries to lift a sheep in a dragon race but fails. Barf and Belch swoop in and snatch it. Ruffnut and Tuffnut tug-of-war for it. Ruffnut wins, throwing it to Fishlegs, but Snotlout intercepts it and blows a kiss to Ruffnut, before throwing it in the twins' basket. Eret and Skullcrusher join the flight. Hiccup and Toothless are repairing a house. Hiccup:  "This... is Berk. A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice, but it's home. It's our home. [The camera shows some Vikings working on a giant statue of Stoick.] Those who attacked us are relentless and crazy. But those who stopped them? Oh, even more so! [Astrid swoops past Hiccup laughing, and Hiccup decides to join them] We may be small in numbers, but we stand for something bigger than anything the world can pit against us. [Valka and Gobber are removing the armor from the dragons that Drago captured.] We are the voice of peace. And bit by bit, we will change this world. [Gobber pauses working to fire the black sheep. Astrid and Stormfly get ready to catch it as in the last race, but Hiccup and Toothless grab it from below her.] You see, we have something they don't. Oh sure, they have armies [Toothless flies under the baskets while Hiccup jumps above them, throwing the black sheep into Astrid's basket.] and they have armadas... But we... we have... [All the riders land at the chief's viewing stand.] OUR DRAGONS!" [Toothless roars.]


Hiccup: "Y/n?" Y/n: "I need to-" Hiccup: "Please stay here." Y/n: "Fine, but I'm not giving up my adventures." Hiccup: "Thank you!" Y/n: "Okay..." Hiccup: "Wow. You agreed."

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