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Y/n: "And done!" Juno: 'With?' Y/n: "My new armor. I added Lava's scales under yours, and for an extra layer of protection,  I made new mechanical wings that look the same but have your scales on top of the metal. Thin enough so it doesn't affect the mechanics of them, but still protects them." Midnight: 'Nice!' 

(Scales are under the fabric.) A reminder of the armor:

) A reminder of the armor:

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Hiccup and the Riders are flying in the clouds. Hiccup: "They say two heads are better than one; which is often true, but four heads? Eh, that's a few heads too many." Ruffnut: "How are we supposed to see up here?" Hiccup: "You're not. That's the whole point." Tuffnut: "Oh. No, I still don't get it." Hiccup: "When you two can't see, you have to trust Barf and Belch to see for you. Like this." Tuffnut: "Why does he always have to speak in RIDDLES?!" Ruffnut: "I say we trust us." Tuffnut: "Yeah, I'm with you, sister!" Ruffnut: "Barf, up!" Tuffnut: "Belch, down!" Y/n: "What's going on?" Tuffnut: "Belch, get me down!" Ruffnut: "Barf, go for help!" Fishlegs:" It worked! I can't believe it actually worked!" Y/n motions for Juno to turn into a statue. Fishlegs: "Whoa!" Hiccup: "What was that hand thing you were doing?" Fishlegs: "If you must know, I have been crafting some rudimentary hand signals for Meatlug just in case we get separated, and they seem to have been well-received." Hiccup: "Hmm. Hand signals. That's incredible, Fishlegs!" Fishlegs: "Yeah, I know!" Hiccup: "We need to start working on those right away." Hiccup: "Toothless, battle-ready!" Hiccup: "Toothless, plasma blast!" Hiccup makes a hand motion. Hiccup: "Good job, bud! Smile." Hiccup does a different motion. Y/n crosses her arms over her chest with her eyes close. Y/n: "Death Notes!" Juno screeches causing all the dragons that heard to freeze and not move. Y/n drops to the ground. Y/n: "Sonic screech!" Juno screeches. Y/n stands like a statue. Juno hides like a stone statue. Y/n: "Funeral fire." Y/n pretends to breathe fire. Juno copies her. Astrid: "Not bad. Stormfly, spine shot! Well, that's better than last time." Snotlout: "Hookfang, annihilate! Whoa!" Tuffnut: "Bull's-eye." Fishlegs: "Meatlug, hug!" Hiccup: "Hmm, that could actually be useful. Ruff, Tuff, your turn." Ruffnut: "Barf, go." Tuffnut: "Belch, come." Ruffnut: "Barf, sky." Tuffnut: "Belch, ground." Tuffnut: "Ha-ha! I win!" Ruffnut: "What do you think you're doing to my dragon?" Tuffnut: "Your dragon? Puh-lease. You've been breathing in Barf's gas again." Ruffnut: "Yeah, so?!" Hiccup: "Guys, guys. Barf and Belch is one dragon. You have to use one signal at a time." Ruffnut: "Good idea. Barf, attack Tuffnut! Ha! How's that?" Fishlegs: "I don't think it's what Hiccup--" Tuffnut: "Belch, eat Ruffnut!" Ruffnut: "Ugh, ow!" Hiccup: "Tuff, come on." Tuffnut: "Whatever. Belch, drop Ruffnut." Ruffnut: "I can't work like this." Tuffnut: "Ugh, it's completely unprofessional." Ruffnut: "I'm taking my dragon and going home." Tuffnut: "You touch that dragon, and I'll--" Ruffnut: "You'll what?" Tuffnut: "I...I don't know. Don't rush me. Just, uh...uh, I'll tell you tomorrow!" Ruffnut: "Ugh, come on, Barf." Hiccup: "Guys, come on. Stop, please. Leave the dragon out of it; it's over." Ruffnut: "Oh, it's over." Tuffnut: "Yeah, it's so over it's under!" Y/n looks so confused. Astrid: "What was that all about?" Hiccup: "Eh, they'll be back." Gobber: "Argh, suck in your gut, Stoick." Stoick: "It's sucked, Gobber! It doesn't suck any more than this!" Hiccup: "Ah, the ceremonial belt. Is it that time again?" Stoick: "Yep, tomorrow's the annual treaty signing with the Berserker tribe." Gobber: "They've gotta change that name. When your Chief's Oswald the Agreeable, and you haven't been to war in fifty years." Hiccup: "Oh, please tell me he's not bringing that lunatic kid of his?" Gobber: "Dagur? Oh, he'll be here." Y/n: "Yay! It's been forever since We-I saw Dagur!" Hiccup: "Oh, great, and let me guess: I get to keep him from breaking things." Stoick: "Actually, no. I have a more important job for you. You get to hide all the dragons." Hiccup: "From Oswald the Agreeable? Why?" Stoick: "Hiccup, just because we've had had peace with them for fifty years doesn't mean they still can't go, well--" Gobber: "Berserk?" Y/n: "Crazy?" Loki: "Insane?" Stoick: "Exactly. The dragons could be seen as a sign of aggression. Better blissful than bloody I always say." Gobber: "And the last thing we want is another Berserker skirmish. They tend to play for keeps." Stoick: "Just hide the dragons, son." Snotlout: "Back in line! Back in line! Everybody, in line, in line! Is Dagur coming? He's so cool!" Hiccup: "Cool? The last time he was here, he used me for a knife-throwing target." Astrid: "That guy should be locked up in a cage." Fishlegs: "That's what he did to me! He wouldn't let me eat for three days!" Snotlout: "Then he force-fed you rotten cod heads!" Fishlegs: "Thanks. I almost erased that from my memory." Astrid: "Lookout! Incoming Zippleback!" Hiccup: "Where's Ruffnut and Tuffnut? Someone get that Dragon." Snotlout: "I'm on it!" Hiccup: "Snotlout, you need two riders. Fishlegs, get in there." Fishlegs: "Heh, I'm not sure this is really the best-- Whoa! I don't feel so good." Hiccup: "It's the gas. Just try not to breathe any in." Fishlegs: "Yeah, that ship has sailed." Snotlout: "Whoa! Hey! Somebody tell me how to work this thing." Hiccup: "Whatever you do Snotlout, don't spark!" Fishlegs: "Okay. Now I feel worse." Snotlout: "Then if I were you, I would not think of that rotten cod head sliding down your throat." Fishlegs barfs. Snotlout: "Oh! That is disgusting!" Hiccup: "Wait here. I need to find the twins to get that Zippleback under control before the Berserkers-" Astrid: "Are here." Hiccup: "Great. Just great."

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