Drago Bludvist and Eret Son of Eret

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~Scene changes to Berk. The rest of the teens are flying around.~

Fishlegs: "Come on, Meatlug! Woohoo!" Ruffnut: "Yahoo!" Snotlout flies near Gothi's hut, scaring her Terrible Terrors. Once they land he flies past again. Gothi grunts and shakes her fist at them. Snotlout: "Ha-ha." Stoick: (To villager) "Hey, how are you?" Stoick: (To another villager) "Beautiful day." Stoick: [To Spitelout] "Hello, Spitelout, great game today." Stoick nearly bumps into another villager. Stoick: "Oh, sorry, Mrs. Ack." Gobber is at his smithy doing dentist work on a Zippleback. Stoick: (To Gobber) "Any sign of him?" Gobber: "Ah, he's probably flown off the edge of the world by now. You sure you want that kid running the village? You can still delay your retirement." Stoick: "Oh, he's ready. You'll see." Hiccup and Astrid arrive on their dragons. Stoick: "Haha! There he is! (To Gobber, proving his point) Huh? The pride of Berk!" Gobber: "Who finally decided to show up for work. Yay." Hiccup: "Sorry. Got held up." Hiccup: "Hey, Dad, could I have a word?" Stoick: "Something you're itching to tell me?" Hiccup: "Not quite the itch you're thinking of, but yes." Stoick: "Goodman! Now, lesson one. A chief's first duty is to his people. So... (Calling out to villagers waiting for their saddles to be made) Forty-one? Forty--" Hiccup: "Could we just talk in private for--" Starkard: "That's me! That's me! I'm next! I was ahead of you!" Hiccup: "If we could just talk--" Starkard: "Excuse me, I've been here all day! Okay, I want one of those high seaters, with lots of spikes and a big storage compartment." Stoick: "Absolutely! You got it, sir!" Hiccup: "Dad, this is actually a little more important than building saddles." Stoick: "Ah-ah! Lesson two. No task is too small when it comes to serving your people." Hiccup: "Dad." Stoick: "Oh, excuse us, Grump." Hiccup: "Look can we just talk?" Gobber: "Grump! You let the forge die down again!" Grump lights the blacksmith on fire. Hiccup screams and Gobber groans before pouring water onto the fire. Gobber: "That's it, Grump. You're going up for adoption! " Stoick: "One of these. And this..." Hiccup: "DAD--" Stoick: "There you go! Go on. Have away." Hiccup: "But, seriously, I really need to tell you about this new land we came across." Gobber: "Another one?!" Fishlegs: "Any new dragons?" Hiccup: "We didn't stick around to find out. These folks weren't particularly friendly." Gobber: "Oh, really? Your Night Fury and Deadly Nadder didn't bring them cheering to the rooftops?" Hiccup: "No, this was different. Not the standard run-for-the hills hoo-ha I've come to enjoy. These guys were trappers. Dragon trappers." Astrid: "You should've seen their fort. All blown apart and stuck in giant spikes of ice. It was weird." Hiccup: "I've never seen anything like it. And worst of all, they thought we did it!" Gobber: "Y'know, you two are gonna get yourselves in SERIOUS trouble one of these days. Not everyone appreciates this way of life." Stoick: "Gobber's right, son. Best we keep to our own. Besides, you'll have more important uses for your time. [Turns on mechanical saw] Once we make the big announcement!" Hiccup: [Turns off saw] "They are building a dragon army. Or- or at least the guy they work for is. Ah, "Dargo Bloody Fist" or something." Stoick's expression grows serious. He and Gobber exchange glances. Tuffnut: "I'll bloody his fist with my face if he tries to take my dragon!" Ruffnut: "Or mine!" Tuffnut: "You're such a moron." Fishlegs: "A beautiful moron." Snotlout: "Yeah..." Ruffnut groans in disgust. Stoick: (suddenly serious and alarmed) "Bludvist? Drago Bludvist?" Hiccup: "Uh yeah. Wait. You know him?" 

~Inside the Dragon Hangar~

Stoick: "GROUND ALL DRAGONS!" Hiccup: "What? Why?!" Stoick: "SEAL THE GATES! LOWER THE STORM DOORS!" Hiccup: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait! What is happening?" Gobber: "You heard the man! Lock it down!" Stoick: "No DRAGON or VIKING sets foot off this island until I give the word!" Hiccup: "Because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble in some faraway land?" Stoick: "Because Drago Bludvist is a madman. Without conscience or mercy. And if he's built a dragon army... gods help us all." Stoick: "Get them into their pens!" Hoark: "Aye, Stoick!" Stoick: "Quickly!" Hiccup: "Then let's ride back out there. We'll follow those trappers to Drago and talk some sense into him." Stoick: "No. We fortify the island." Hiccup: "It's our duty to keep the peace!" Stoick: "Peace is over, Hiccup. I must prepare you for war." Hiccup: "War? Dad, if Drago's coming for our dragons, we can't wait around for him to get here. Let's go find him and change his mind." Stoick: "Some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about. A chief protects his own." Hiccup: "Would Y/n want this?" Stoick: "No." Astrid: "Don't bring that traitor up!" Hiccup: "Y/n isn't a-" Stoick: "SECURE THE STABLE! LATCH EVERY STALL!" Astrid: "Hiccup, don't!" Hiccup: "I have to." Hiccup kisses Astrid's cheek. Stoick: "THIS WAY! QUICKLY!" Hiccup and Toothless blast past, heading for the exit. Stoick: "HICCUP!" They try to fly through one door, but it seals shut. Hiccup: "Come on!" Toothless spins around and dives through the gap in the second lowering storm door. Stoick: "Hiccup!" Astrid and Stormfly blow past Stoick and slip through the storm door before it shuts, leaving Stoick fuming.

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